How The Newly Revealed ‘Eastman Memo’ Fits Into Trump’s Election Theft Conspiracy | Talking Points Memo

It really really bugs me that lots of people knew about this. The stuff coming out of Woodward’s book would have been VERY useful reporting if it came out when he knew it…and not when he could profit off it most handsomely in his book schemes. He is out on the circuit now acting like this is heinous, crisis stuff and how knife-edge cosmically dangerous this all is/was…but didn’t feel he could/should put it out there while the iron was hot. Doing it now, after the whole Jan6 debacle has turned into low-level whack-a-mole misdemeanor prosecutions of the dirtbags who showed up with bearspray, is too late.



That’s damning…


His passivity appalls me. I know there is a political calculus, but shutting one’s eyes to attempts to destroy our electoral system like this can’t be overlooked.


One thing I have never gotten used to is the glacial slowness (most of the time and esp. in big cases) of our judicial system. It;s built in for a reason but to me that doesn’t really make it all that better.

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The story says he resigned from his teaching position after J6; it was my understanding he was TOLD to resign or be fired.

And YES he is on the list for legal suspension/disbarment.

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I think there was also a “a senator could stall the vote until a state legislature appointed a second set of electors” option in there too. Which makes Rudy’s misdials to senator Lee during the insurrection all the more interesting. Not a spur of the moment free-lance but a furtherance of an existing conspiracy?


:100: :100: :100:

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Appoint someone like Daniel Goldman to do it.


“This one time, at the bowling alley…”


And let’s not forget to give him credit for being 100% on the nose about psycho religious nuts that God “appears” to and said here’s a list of “demons” you need to kill for me with his directorial debut film-Frailty. As the great Roger Ebert said in his four star review-“Heaven protect us from people who believe they can impose their will on us in this world because of what they think they know about the next.”


They had the prescience to announce his birth in the HI paper just in case his citizen ship was challenged…4 decades later…


Is Eastman really as stupid as he appears to be?

Look here.
Georgia Rs secretly met to form a second slate of electors

You may want to laugh off Chump as an incompetent boob but in matters like these he is as cunning and single-minded as anyone ever. Plus he has this one trick that works perfectly whenever he can get a few important players to play along…just “say the words” and my corrupt fellows will do the rest. Whether it is to announce an investigation into HRC, or Biden in Ukraine, or that there was malfeasance in the election. As this article shows, they had a plan C and D as well. Don’t tell me, Bob Woodward, that Giuliani was the one crackpot who convinced Chump to claim victory and talked him into this.

Now these same people are all still in place for the next election and they have experience and know what went wrong and what went right. Yes the Rs are horrible people who have abandoned govt. and their voters…but they too are single-minded and never stop. I would love to call them lazy but in some areas they never, never stop. Their whole world depends on working, working the soft spots and the gaps. They always need to kite that next check, roll that next rube, grease that next palm. They are thirsty and ruthless and pitiless and are not driven by anything we would recognize as civil service. They are like sharks and cannot stop.


She wants to sit down with AOC and talk AT her for a half hour? I don’t think Qbert understands what a conversation is.

And why the focus on AOC instead of, oh I don’t know, any of the Democratic reps from Colorado? Because she wouldn’t get enough media attention from that kind of “conversation”.


Or the wheels of a bus.

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You are absolutely correct
Trump, is focused like one of the historical figures that he looks toward for strategic and tactical ideas and templates for action (german guy w/funny mustache)… so, similarly…after an attempt to acquire total control Trump envisions a second far more forceful and brutal accent to the seat of power … and this time there will be no posturing to appear to play by the rules of the structure that he seaks to destroy.
Trump has always looked at all of this as a pure power game … he does not give a flying fig about statesmanship, good government, “humanity” … he is essentially fixated on becoming the “Putin” of the US …he is looking at how he can totally “own” the United States of America - he gets intoxicated at the thought of becoming an impacting figure in history of humanity on the magnitude level of Stalin, Hitler, Gengis Khan, Mao, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, … the bastard has delusions of grandeur of an “off the charts” level … a mega - MAGA- megalomania…

Donald J.Trump is a deranged motherfucker bent upon getting what he wants … no matter what it costs - the world.

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A review of his clerks and where they wound up over time could be illuminating.


Is Eastman really as stupid as he looks?


Couldn’t be.

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And thank gawd, he has the IQ of a cucumber. Simply staying out of the way during the Covid response would have likely ensured his reelection.

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