How Tea Party Budget Battles Left the National Emergency Medical Stockpile Unprepared for Coronavirus | Talking Points Memo

I like to keep it simple. We should be prepared precisely because these disasters happen without warning.

We put seatbelts on, because we don’t know when an accident might happen, or what the particulars will be.


“”""“Rehberg said it would have been impossible to predict a public health crisis requiring a more robust stockpile, just as it would have been to predict the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks”""""

That’s what they always fall back to. “Who could have known”. That sidesteps the point in leadership. To prepare for the unknown. To be ready for the unknown. That takes prescience, reason and dedication. “don’t tread on me” is not about that. That’s a political faction just about self appeal and getting it via gut level, crude stunts and platitudes. It was inevitable that surrendering the helm of America to the trailer park crowd was going to cause problems. Stupidity can mask itself as passion and incompetence as out of the box thinking but it all comes home. We are there.

The money we’ve spent on the wars in Afghanistan , which after 20 years resulted in a “deal” with the 9/11 landlords and Iraq which after 18 has produced a Pro Iran nation that hates us would bail the USA out of COVID-19, COVID-20 and COVID-21 should they occur. The Bush tax cuts amounted to enough cash to put a ventilator in every living room in America and Trump’s Billionaire hand out enough cash to put us knee deep in N95 masks. It wasn’t “out of the box” thinking or “fiscal conservatism” that got us here. It was stupidity. Tailor made to appeal to the stupid in America.


Teabaggers were swine then and they remain ignorant, racist swine.

We get the government we deserve … every time.


They’re in binders. Ok.

They won’t do anyone any good in binders.

They need to get on TV and run relentlessly as the ads did declaiming Obama as a Kenyan. Every day. All the time. Everywhere.

I bet we never see a one - in the interest of either comity or ‘it’s too soon’.

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They seem to have forgotten that, prior to the 9/11 attack, explosive devices were set off beneath the towers back in the early 90s.


And greed, lots of greed.


And what about the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995?

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Oh, the anti-spending zealots had even more to do with it, make no mistake. There’s considerable overlap, but the church of tax cuts had the wheel here.

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Tea Party = Kochs and their ilk. And the same suckers who worship at the golden idol Trump.

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More defendants for the upcoming Trump Pandemic Tribunals.

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Some evidence that Brazilian number are bullshit…

An aerial view of Vila Formosa cemetery in Sao Paulo yesterday…


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Coming soon to a Red State near you!

I had a friend’s husband who was there when it happened - a financial advisor on a conference in NYC at the WTC. Was pretty scary then and no one took any steps to keep it from happening again.

Unfortunately a lot of blue ones as well…

Large tents have been set up not 4 miles from where I live, fortunately they are still unoccupied…

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True fact, I just hope that the proactive steps the blue state (and occasional red state) governors and mayors are taking will keep the death toll lower. It’s easy for other countries to suppress their death tolls; that’s not going to be feasible here, even with the FOX state news network.

“Hands off my coronavirus!”

Succinctly and beautifully put! Hear, hear!!

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It should be laid at the feet of Grover Norquist and all the idiot Republicans who signed his pledge rather than uphold their oath of office. And there should be a list of the them come November to refresh
vote’s minds.

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You may not like the Koch brothers, but I believe they are far smarter than the current GOP.

The GOP will kill the chicken so they don’t have to feed it, the Kochs will keep it alive and sell the eggs at a tidy profit.

Then Trump takes office, Repub. Congress passes massive tax cut (for the wealthy), the deficit balloons and not a peep, not a whimper, not a whisper from the right about the DEFICIT!!!

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