How State Election Officials Are Scrambling To Respond To USPS’ Mail Delivery Warnings | Talking Points Memo

When the United States Postal Service warned 46 states and the District of Columbia last month that their vote-by-mail deadlines risked disenfranchising voters, some elections officials saw it as a call to action.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Illinois Gov. Pritzker and the lege enacted legislation to deal with this two months ago.


Totally OT but just saw an excerpt of Obama’s speech tonight and he is just unloading on Trump. Nothing but the truth but scathingly contemptuous. This is gonna be good. :joy:


It started at the Lewis funeral. Homeboy has his hand on the plow, and he is NOT looking back. His wife lit the fire, I hope he brings the gasoline! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Ooooooooooh, someone’s going to be ranting in the WH tonight.

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Go back to the WHCA dinner, and then the event where he released the long-form birth notice and snarled about how we couldn’t solve our problems if we paid attention to “carnival barkers” and such. Every now and then he gives the anger translator the night off because his services won’t be needed.


Seems some folk are not happy with trump.

And @mattinpa I have been avoiding TV for the most part except for a movie or documentary just so I don’t throw something heavy at my TV in a fit of rage. But of Obama verbally spanks trump I think I will make an exception…just for his speech. I did watch the state delegations voting last night however. I thought it was really well done.
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In this case what is written on that truck… If USPS could actually deliver…
DeJoy is hamstringing the USPS. SOMEBODY needs to get their shit together and hamstring him and get the sorting machines put back in Grand Rapids. ASAP.

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An election is fast approaching and so I thought I’d offer this choice to donald. He can swim with the voters…

Or he can attempt to paddle his way to safety…which I doubt he has the skill to do.


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And, like other states, Pennsylvania is seeking to use drop boxes and satellite locations for voters who fear their ballots won’t make it through the postal system in time — a plan that attracted a lawsuit from the Trump campaign.

So does NoJoy have contracts with the state(s) to supply drop boxes? How long does it take to prep and repaint US mail boxes?

Any way to get a court order for de joy to restore his damage?

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There is a board of governors over the post office, who have the ability to fire this and qualified post master general and they can repeal all of his orders. They have the ability to reinstate the post office just as it was. This is what we want. Stop with that yakking and throwing wait around in discussing this in discussing that just turn it over to the board of governors for the post office and they’ll take care of everything fired this postmaster general now. See how easy that is. It’s that easy do it.

You mean the group of hand-picked trump supporters? Sure they’ll do it.

The only way they’ll do it is if they’re looking at personal fines or jail time. Which might be shortly in some states.