This story first appeared at ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom.
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This story first appeared at ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom.
How cute. DeSantis “may have broken the law.” Big deal. The law exists only to keep the unwashed masses frightened and in their places. It doesn’t apply to the politically connected or the rich. They allow the rest of us to live here at their whim.
And it MOST definitely does not apply to Republicans.
You can’t be the next Trump if you don’t break the law early and often. You go Ron.
And here I thought kidnapping Venezuelans from Texas and shipping them to Martha’s Vineyard was a crime.
Silly me.
Rethugs have never heard the adage “ignorance of the law is no excuse”. They do not mind being ignorant as long as it allows them to do any thing that advances their KKK agenda. In face, being intentionally ignorant seems to be a real plus in the Republican party.
““If that evidence was offered in a trial, the fact that DeSantis was getting input from someone working with the Republican Party and who’s also working in other states — that would be very powerful,””
DeSantis & C: “Executive privilege.”
Corrupt, GOP-packed FL courts: “Executive privilege.”
Corrupt, GOP-packed Fed Courts: “Executive privilege.”
Did I mention…
DeSantis proudly practices fascism in deed and in his demeanor.
Meanwhile, in new york…
We can’t have nice things when only one side plays by the rules.
Totally without shame
This is why people feel hopeless and don’t vote. The game is rigged and they know it. I live in Florida and have all of my life. I am very disheartened by how far right my community is going.
Please vote!
You’ve got to admire desatan and his 100 percent commitment to GQP power at all costs. He gets it, and he realizes there’s no way that he can be overruled on this as the GQP hold all the courts that can change the outcome. This is great journalism, but depressing AF.
During his public testimony, Kelly was asked how Lawson’s district could be unconstitutional when it was recently created by Florida’s highest court.
Kelly responded tersely: “The court got it wrong.”
Pure power politics, unrestrained by law or ethics.
Its what the Republicans want to do at the Federal level too.
Desantis will be long gone from Florida, when the full impact of this is felt…he is aiming for washington dc…and he will get it… i really would like to see a
debate’ with him and Trumpf…altho’ Trumpf is already running scared.
many Republican districts are under water.,they are already complaining about the flood waters not going down…which won’t happen, soon, as there is no place for the water to go…all the wetlands have been paved over., and its going to rain again to day. but of course…Desantis did get the 'bridge ’ to Sanibel Island open…while the trailer parks. etc., remain under water.
The fascist 5 on the Supreme Court may need to devise a DeSantis codicil for the Independent State Legislature Rule.
It is a feature.
Had a girlfriend in HS. One day she starts telling me that I need to stand up to people more. A little while later, she asked for something, can’t remember what, and I said no. Her response? “I didn’t mean me!” She’d have made a great Republican congressman.
And the response from SCOTUS? No worries. The VRA really doesn’t count any more and we don’t think the federal government should be overseeing elections any way. Go right ahead, as long as it helps Republicans.