How Operation Warp Speed Created Vaccination Chaos | Talking Points Memo

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The Trump administration and the Republican controlled Senate used covid-19 as a political tool and event. They just didn’t care. This country is owed a thorough and brutally honest investigation of what was known, when was it known, and why decisions were made the way they were. All in the decision chain need to be held accountable. This is not right versus left in a political arena but why US citizens were left to die by the government ignoring best practice. The Trump administration never viewed covid-19 as a problem they wanted to deal with, perhaps because it didn’t affect “them” and others like them. Reminds me of President Regan’s initial response and approach to the AIDs disease that was changed when it became clear that it was then affecting non-gay, non-IV drug users in the general population. These are the legacies of the Republican Party. How it has morphed over the past 60 years, but it is the expected trajectory from a group that has lied and distorted reality. Now, it’s up to the rest of us to clean up the mess. We will succeed with much effort and help, but never forget, never forgive.


Too bad we can’t go to maximum warp, slingshot around the sun, and go back in time to nip all this in the bud. Come to think of it, let’s set chronometers for June 14, 1946. I think you get my drift.


…each jurisdiction must then submit its orders in “VTrckS”

Another Star Trek reference? Like V’ger?

And speaking of superluminal velocity, I feel very dumb. All these years, I’ve never wondered what the “c”, representing the speed of light, represents. It’s the abbreviation of the latin word “celeritas”, from which we also get “celerity.”


It doesn’t matter what the Trump Admin. says about vaccine availability.
“You fucked up. You trusted us.” always applies.


It is incompetence wrapped in corruption inside a shitshow.

(With apologies to old Winston.)


The references seem to be mostly Old Series, but the ethics are all Ferengi.


I was talking with a friend on the phone. At one point, referring to the balls-up over vaccines I said “Is there anything this bunch can’t fuck up?” Her response was “They would fuck up a wet dream.” It was my luck that at the time I had a mouthful of coffee — it was my good luck that I managed to swallow it before I starting guffawing.


One of my friends who is a medical worker got his second Covid vaccination shot last week. He had a stronger reaction to it than to the first shot, but on the positive side is now able to pick up 5-G without a cell phone.


YEP… ETTD, ETTD, ETD, ETTD, ETTD, ad infinitum.

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What can you conclude but Trumpists are pleased to allow it to kill the “right” people and weaken their “enemy” states. And who is better as mismanagement that the king of bankruptcy?


Palantir…again :thinking:


So they have a serious problem generating 50 fscking numbers once a week? (OK, maybe 100 if you count the deduction for long term care facilities). And they can’t even guarantee a minimum number so that states can plan to that?

In another few months we’ll know the details, and it will shock but not surprise.


Trump and his crew are agents for Murphy’s Law (“are” because we still can’t rest for 24 hours, and I don’t count chickens with this crew). If it is possible to screw something up, being associated in any way with Trump is likely to do the job.

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Jared Kushner, April 2020

The notion of the federal stockpile was it’s supposed to be our stockpile. It’s not supposed to be states stockpiles that they then use.


The Rumpublicans knew enough to throw tons of money at Big Pharma, and stopped there.

How Operation Warp Speed Created Vaccination Chaos

Anyone who had been paying attention to anything done by the Trump administration would have known that the proper name should have been “Fart Speed”, a fast spreading foul smell. And totally useless as well.

It was more important to wage frivolous lawsuits and lie to the public about the election. They don’t have time for things like a global pandemic.


i still find science mysterious


“Warp Speed” was only about having at least one vaccine approved for Trump’s bragging rights before election day. No planning was done for what would follow.