How MAGA Is Already Justifying The Use Of Military Force At Home If Trump Wins

Much harder to do with Joe in charge.


“The left, they theorize, will go all-out to stoke organized violence around the country, clearing the way for a newly inaugurated Trump administration to step in and make unprecedented, widespread use of the U.S. military to restore law and order.”

They will provoke it. They will fake it. They will mischaracterize everything AS it. There is no “out” if they win. The plan to use the military is a plan to use the military. Period. It is not a plan based on hoping we’ll give them the excuse and justification for it.

Understand it this way: They already have their excuse AND their justification, and neither of those have anything to do with what they will outwardly SAY are their excuse and justification, i.e. “the left went crazy and had to be brought to heel.”


Thinking about it, maybe the pussy-hat march was really the trauma event for TSFF, and BLM just was his chance to react.


(my bolding)
trump is to be sentenced for his 34 felonies supposedly on 9/18/24. I do hope the judge does more than a stern lecture from the bench like a concerned parent. It would have zero effect on trump as has been proven his entire life. Prison, however, would get his attention. Especially if he had to do his legal fight while incarcerated…


IMO, even if he is sentenced to detention (which I believe he will be), it’ll be at one of his residences, possibly with an ankle bracelet, and with permission to leave at intervals in order to campaign. But that’s not nothing, and it will definitely do him psychic damage. Which is what we want.


“Baby” is what daddy used as the insult to make fun of him and denigrate him. Guaranteed.

The circular problem for Mango all his life has been the internal conflict of wanting daddy to stop and to approve of him instead, to accept him as a man and equal, but knowing daddy was right, all while never realizing that it was his regressive need for daddy’s approval that made him act like a baby in the first place.


“The Left”?

What left in the USA? The CPUSA? The Socialist Party? There is no “Left” in the USA.

And to help the idiots memory on Marches, does anyone recall the massive riots during “The Womens March on Washington”? I don’t.


Nah. Narcissists always want more attention than they get or deserve. They think they’re wonderful — better than Abraham Lincoln! Biggest crowds ever! etc. But other people fail to recognize their obvious superiority. Why does Trump have to leave his golf course to campaign? Everybody should be voting for him. He should win in a landslide because he’s a genius and so much better than low-IQ Kamala.


Running around in my head is the story of Eugene Debs who ran 5 times to be president. The last was while he was in prison and he got just shy of a million votes which at the time, 1920, was nothing to sneeze at,


I’m sure that Donnie would garner millions of votes from wherever he’s detained (though even saying his name in proximity to the great and noble Gene Debs makes me queasy). But it’d be safer, and it will peel off that significant swathe of MAGA who are more interested in allying with a winner than a martyr. As it becomes more and more apparent that he’s going to lose, that swathe “who just wanna be on the winning side” will peel off, and mostly stay home.



*“I think people are going to die and I think they’ll excuse it,” Howell told TPM. “And I think it’s awful and I think we should be preparing for it.”

That, Howell said, would then present the Trump administration with a clear objective once assuming office: “Bring law and order back to this country.”*

Howell asks us to transport ourselves into the future that he can already see - and watch how the Democrats are going to kill all the realpatriots. Howell says that the US needs to remember these future offenses by Democrats, figure out how to serve Trump, and to subvert the Constitution so that the Hermitage Foundation can achieve these dictatorial objectives.


Logic question. If Trump is so widely hated, how could he possibly win an election?


The right wingnuts have been itching for a pretext to gun down their fellow Americans en masse for over 60 years now. “Race war” was typically a big justification. Now it’s both “Trump loses” AND “Trump wins.” Any pretext. ANY.


So much of GOP discourse is weird Tom Clancy fanfic set against a background of societal collapse, in which they can don camo outfits and heroically gain the social acceptance that so completely eludes them in their real lives.


If our sprawling and sometimes multi directional coalition stays home. Which is why focus, dedication, energy, and leadership are life-and-death crucial.



Because a majority of Republicans are wiling to place party ahead of country.
It’s not complicated.


It was a rhetorical question. My point is that, if MAGA loons admit that their candidate is so unpopular that his election would cause riots, it’s hard to imagine that he, himself could win a fair and free election. Otherwise, the “majority” of MAGA supporters would easily intimidate the whiny, SJW sheeple by a show of virility.


I hear that yellowjackets are bad this year in the NE. So add some meat paste to the mixture.
Nothing stings worse than a yellowjacket.


Who exactly, and why? That’s a rhetorical question, as they would start obviously with the Biden and Clinton “crime families.” But when they cavalierly toss out ideas like this I’d like to hear the details, including why these supposed criminals would be going straight to jail. Do they intend even bothering with trials?


I think the ground becomes deconsecrated as soon as he enters it. Kind of a poo v punchbowl type of situation. One idea, definitely put a Menorah on the headstone.