What if flying planes into the Twin Towers was just Phase One of OBL’s plan, and lending Rudy Giuliani credibility as “America’a Mayor” was a sinister Phase Two? Phase One to eliminate civil liberties, and Phase Two to neutralize democracy?
“all of them some of the time but not all of them all the time”. Giuliani tried this in the past and failed as he will this time. He’s trying to dig himself and Trump out of a hole and although the folks at TPM seem to think that teams smart enough to pull this off I doubt it.
Wait… so the actual story is that Biden helped force the Ukraine to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who was NOT investigating his son’s activity at a corrupt company? Doesn’t that sound like Biden was putting his son MORE at risk?
The best way to report on Guiliani’s false claims is to just say he makes a number of false claims, not repeat them, and then move on to his clear violations of the law.
Rudy hatched a plan that Trump could strong arm Ukraine into helping him with his campaign under the guise of foreign policy negotiations. That blew up in a Trumpian orange fireball and now, he’s trying to cover it up with this fake story about Biden.
It is soooooo easy to manipulate these “journalists.” I see why Trump gets away with it. The failure of the American education system is that we have so lowered our standards that there is no one left to protect our democracy.
The investigation wasn’t about “his son’s activity” but about the company as a whole, and yes Biden/Obama were wanting a real investigation on in which if Biden’s son was doing something illegal with it could end up harming him.
He (and his father) probably don’t want to give more oxygen to Giuliani’s lies in the press which a lawsuit & trial would provide… but I don’t think they really get the asymmetry of the attacks. Kerry was never able to recover from the Swift Boat attack – largely because they (stupidly) expected the press to report things properly because Democrats hold themselves to the rules even when Republicans don’t.