How Germany And South Korea Have Battled Coronavirus Better Than Others | Talking Points Memo

In the early 1900’s, my late Mother-in-Law was born and raised in Korea. She said that she had to carry her vaccination card with her and at checkpoints show it to guards who had great big rifles.

Korea has been serious about public health for over a century.

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Trump administration has invoked Murphy’s law into their hapless response …isn’t that enough?

I both appreciate the details from Lizzymom as well as your ad on - which is basically my thought. I actually know that German (and Austria and Switzerland) all have a manditory heath insurance system, it is different than the NHS in England or Canada (with a system that is half way between the NHS and what Germany has). My point was that everyone can get care - and it is basically free. That is NOT the way in works in the US… And it being free, and accessible has made all of the difference in outcomes (same in South Korea and Taiwan). I am with Kaiser in the US (on an Obamacare plan since I run my own business) and it is basically the Canadian system. Works great. The difference between that and dealing with the health insurance system in the US is night and day. What I might give up in choice of health care providers is well made up in not having to fight a health incurance company.

Germany - what ever it’s faults, and having good close friends who are Austrians who point them out all the time :slight_smile: I can name them - is doing much better in the dealing with unemployement and not having fascist propogranda press department.

I am sticking by my bigger point that a combo of Murdoch style press + a dog eat dog employement system is not a good way to go when issues arrise…