How COVID-19 Fundamentally Reshaped Biden’s Campaign For The White House | Talking Points Memo

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Joe Biden was fresh off winning the Michigan primary and effectively capturing the Democratic presidential nomination, a prize he’d sought for the better part of three decades. Instead of plotting a strategy to build momentum, he was contemplating an abrupt halt.

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Imagine if Trump had mounted ANY kind of coherent response to COVID? He’d probably have been reelected. Not sure which outcome is worse. 200,000 plus dead, or Trump reelected.


Isn’t nice to have an adult in the room? An adult who knows and listens to other adults, instead of a vociferous pack of hyenas?


It would be interesting to speculate about the “personal liberty” cries if Trump had ordered a national mask mandate. Not to mention if Jared had actually did the job of getting PPE supplies up and distributed. Oh and testing, let’s not ever forget testing regimes, and supplies.


Paging Dr. Fauci… Please pick up the courtesy phone.

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What a welcome change Biden will be.


Well done

Trump treated COVID the same way he’s treating his election defeat. Trump never loses. Trump is never wrong. Even on the days when its evident to anyone willing to believe their eyes that he’s lost and he’s wrong a lot.


The magats were saying the. “Hoax virus” would dissappear from the “fake MSM” the day after the election.
Instead there have been 500,000 new cases since Tuesday.
Some hoax!

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When will the msm realize Florida and Ohio are no longer battleground states

Me and several of my friends said the exact same thing

The quarter million dead is not the final score for Trump’s inaction… it will be almost a million before any of the Biden Task Force actions can begin to be effective… had Trump been reelected we’d be forecasting many millions dead.

Imagine if Trump had mounted ANY kind of coherent response to COVID?

That would require a stretch of imagination going well beyond Elmore Leonard territory… Maybe a combination of Elmore Leonard and Hunter S. Thompson on a cocaine and tequila rampage would be required.

It’s awful to think of it, but I don’t think we would have defeated tRrump but for covid.