I was thinking more Demarol, but ludes works. So 70’s. He probably has some left over from his Studio 54 sexual combat days, where he was awarded many a Purple Penis and Distinguished Threesomes.
Well, the 35% of the country that loved him before the debate, love him even more after the debate.
Ya just can’t fix stupid…
C’mon, Donnie hasn’t shot someone to death on Fifth Avenue, so he is doing well!! C’mon!!
Chump doesn’t look well. His face has lost much of the fullness that at least made him look like he was robust or maintaining. It is hard to look at Biden and think he looks like the model of great health, either, but Chump has changed a lot recently. Maybe not to a shocking degree, but I am noticing. And his resting face and expression with all that makeup…very odd. When you match it with his favored vile terms, reptilian voice, desperate predatory looks, and poisonous word-salad…Biden could have fallen asleep or had a stroke and still come across better. My guess is even faithful red voters were battling revulsion and having their doubts.
Ah. Didn’t know that. Hadn’t seen her pop up but I don’t have TV so I don’t see anyone whether they pop up or not. Well, peace to her soul, but I remember like 30 years ago hearing her break down some situation on the radio and telling myself she hadn’t really said anything at all. She certainly wasn’t alone in that. I realized around the same time, toward the end of NPR’s glory days, that it was a large organization devoted to and skilled at making middlebrow types feel good about themselves.
CNN’s headline was something like “they came forca brawl and a debate broke out”
I cannot imagine trump debating in a civil manner. I did not watch.
Fortunately, he didn’t strangle any kittens tonight.
… or maybe Josie, our 6-year old, hid them in the basement this time. I’ll have to ask my wife.
Because Trump did not have an acute psychotic episode as he did in the first debate, he won. Wow. Welcome to the United States of Extremely Low Expectations.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice. Don’t you look stupid.
Thanks Trump and right-wing media:
I’ll give you the lean, but what I see is him parking his famous gut on the podium. Maybe he uses his bellybutton to read his notes?
Case in point - The number of times I’ve witnessed the angsty “Will Biden support court-packing?” In the little teaser clip of Biden’s 60-minutes interview, he addresses the matter at length of how he’ll study court reform from a number of angles, with experts, to which she responds, “So you’ll study court-packing before making a decision?”
He handled the follow-up better than I would have.
My fav.
The President struck a new gentler tone tonight when he described his orphan warehouses as clean
And Jeffrey accosted kids on an exotic, tropical island. What’s not to like?
I’ve said for 3 years if Drumpf did even one tiny thing that any grown, mature man would do, the press would fall all over themselves claiming that “The Pivot” has taken place. Here we are.
Career-long hacks like Susan Page can no more change their hackishness that Trump can change his lunacy into star twinkles.
Symbiosis …
As someone observed, it was like the I Love Lucy episode working in the candy factory unable to keep up with the conveyor belt.
So, the Media Whores are, for the umpteenth time, showing who they are for all to see, and this is supposed to be interesting and unexpected?
Many folks on the debate thread were noting the seeming lack of control of the moderator; our Media Glitterati were, almost to a person, lauding her. Disconnected as usual.
Quite right. She had her moments, but those moments were used up 30 years ago.