Joel Greenberg’s court record looks like a CVS receipt.
The former Seminole County, Florida tax collector is in trouble — big trouble. Multiple-superseding-indictments trouble. And, as the world learned yesterday, he’s managed to drag his friend, the die-hard Trump supporting congressman Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) into the spotlight with him.
Greenberg, Gaetz et al come across as upper-middle class goodfellas: not as gritty and murderous as the Scorsese working class version perhaps but just as nasty with additional doses of nihilism and self-righteous posturing.
“Auditors also questioned the $15,000 spent on for sprinkler heads at the Casselberry branch that could be operated remotely and pointed at petition gatherers.”
Anyway, I think we have our first serious candidates for this year’s Golden Dukes, though we’ll obviously have to see out things shake out to determine whether Greenberg and Gaetz are sharing a ballot line or competing for the honors.
When Rachel ran down all the crap Greenberg pulled what first caught my attention was that he got married while he was campaigning for the tax collector’s office. In and of it’s self is nothing to make the news about, but when you line up the shady, underhanded shit Greenberg was doing I had to wonder how did he have time to be with his girlfriend/fiancee, plan a wedding, campaign, get married, and pretend to be someone else on Twitter, all at the same time?