How A Supreme Court Decision 20 Years Ago Foreshadowed The End Of Affirmative Action - TPM – Talking Points Memo

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Slightly OT but it’s the Court

Read this article. Please. The guy who supposedly wanted the design work for his wedding is not gay, is happily married, is a web designer himself and had not been contacted by anyone related to this case until the decision came down. This means the Court can make decisions whole cloth out of the thinnest air. That a case based on lies can be accepted and ruled on as fact. To say this is disturbing is gross understatement.


Equal justice under the bus.

ETA: Ya think?

Stewart called the Supreme Court’s decision Friday morning “disgraceful” and said that “it does seem like the entire case has been somewhat concocted to achieve a specific outcome.”


Should be fun, tiny town ,. The heat index is supposed to be 100 degrees for his 1 pm speech. Although if he’s late and speaking at 3 pm,
Looking forward to Trump rally Saturday in town of … 3400 people? (


Is this where his fans started to line up at 1AM?

There’s a homemade sign that’s shown up on Twitter offering parking for $100 on a lawn. Not sure if that’s real, but that’s also the rumor — at least one person asking $100.

Grifters, all the way down.


Because of course they are.

I live in Pickens and these people are all nuts over Trump.

The boo birds will be singing for The Honorable Gentleman.

At President Trump’s rally in Pickens, S.C. Saturday, Lyndsey Graham will be there. Who wants to bet he’s going to be booed by the crowd. He’s shown himself to be the snake he is and Upstate South Carolina citizens don’t care too much for him. He betrayed his base. He’s a Rino.

— some Rando named Billy Hill.

The Humidity will be intense, but they’ll have “misters” — yeah, that’ll work. Wankers!

ETA. And Margery Taylor Greene will be there to give the event her blessing.


Somewhat concocted??!!!
Jeebus dancing on toast…yeah… somewhat.
This case should never have got out of the first court it was submitted to.
It’s a decision based on lies which is not what the High Court should be about. It’s lies and the decision affects all of us whatever one’s life is about. LGBQT or not. The Court has made a decision based on lies. This is not a good precedent.


Someone doesn’t understand wet and dry heat conditions. Were they raised in a climate controlled geodesic dome?

(Missouri Botanical Garden, formerly Shaw’s Garden)


That’s exactly what it is. The conservative movement wants all the conveniences of modern life - iPhones, giant pickups and SUVs, the internet, …, but not the diversity of the world’s and the nation’s citizenry that makes this all possible. They want to live in the 21st centry and retain 19th (17th century?) values and that is simply not possible.

“This is a court that is out of touch, with attacks on modern life,” Khanna said.


Beautiful gardens and half a buckysphere.


When I was little my Mom would take my sister and I to the garden in winter. It was fun walking into the dome with it’s tropical plants and humid atmosphere, when it was cold and dry outdoors.


Lots of nice words about what we should and what’s going to happen in 25 years. Then there’s the last 400 years. Racism is NEVER going away. Sun setting today’s solution resurrects the problem at sunset. The Courts view is ridiculously rosy and out of touch with what’s going down in America. That’s not an accident. If this Court is given sufficient cover it’s going to mandate the worst of Conservative’s wet dreams on us.

Unlimited money in politics. Roe gone. End of Affirmative Action. Legal discrimination. And they’re just getting started.


IF race-based admission guidelines “cannot be reconciled with the guarantees of the Equal Protection Clause" how on earth can legacy admissions be reconciled with it.


Same way conservative SCOTUS justices put a time limit on the Voting Rights Act. Can’t remember which case it was.

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Maybe Trump will die of heat stroke. I’d pay $100 to watch that.


“race-conscious admissions policies must be limited in time,” adding thatthe “Court expects that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today.”

Even if you accept her premise that affirmative action policies must be limited in time, that does not lead to her conclusion that in 25 years they will no longer be necessary. History has shown that Justice O’Connor was unduly optimistic. Race-conscious admissions policies should end at the same race-conscious discrimination ends, no sooner, no later.


We all know that mapping can be used very precisely for gerrymandering.

Just commandeer the same technology for positive purposes and instead of “race” simply have targeted “income” and/or “geographic” goals.


Gee, heat stroke might reduce the number of votes Trump gets.

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