How A Serbian Scientist Helped Inspire Jan. 6

“I have no idea what happened,” he said. “I don’t have enough information. As a scientist, without information, I cannot say anything. This is what I was trained for.”

And yet, you seemed to have enough information to call for a violent revolution to stop the counting of fake ballots.

Lock him up. Lock him up.


And given that a huge portion of our civic life is socialistic - government subsidized roads, fire and police protection, clean water and air, etc. ad infinitum - this asshole moved to a country where he benefits every day from socialism.


This guy needs to be kicked out of this country but only after we find out his connections to guys like Putin.


Send that muthaf*cker back to Serbia. We have already have enough fascists in Texas.


‘stone faced patriots’


A shame someone didn’t shove a stun gun against the lead spittler’s jowls.

What a great article.
We need more investigative work like this. Unfortunately this article won’t get many clicks, it’s just not the viral material that is useful for chasing engagement online.
Kudos to Josh Josh and Matt for doing this work anyway. It’s why I subscribe


He came across the open southern boarder, on his cantaloupe calves, hauling a bale of drugs, in a caravan of Muslims, BLM, and refugees.

Or more probably he just flew in commercial.


Serious question: How capable are these people of abstract thinking? The contexts are about as different as two nations can be. Ours has been a representative democracy for centuries, with a long tradition of peaceful transfers of power. Serbia, to put it mildly, was not that. And the way forward for our own losing party was not to swarm around a building and make the people in it leave because that produced the desired result in Serbia, for Christ’s sake. It’s concrete thinking at its stupidest, verging on imitative magic in its hope of bringing about a similar outcome. Bobby Jindal was a kind of reverse prophet, honestly. He said “We can’t be the stupid party,” and all the rest said "Wait! No! That’s it! We’ll be the stupid party! It’s perfect!" And so here we are. JFC.


"…but that video is still on YouTube, so I still haven’t broken community standards of YouTube.” - Savic

Yes, surely YT community standards should provide the template for how we ru(i)n our lives.


I am hoping the only reason that this guy was allowed into the country was because he would be easier to surveil here than there.


It’s literally a reason for being ineligible for a visa: (iii) any activity a purpose of which is the opposition to, or the control or overthrow of, the Government of the United States by force, violence, or other unlawful means, is inadmissible


A Serbian mad scientist becoming the chief strategist of the Requblican Party was always the inevitable end-point of modern reich-wing politics.



They need a fourth question.

  1. Are these your bags?

  2. Have they been in your possession the whole time?

  3. Did anyone give you anything to take on the plane?

  4. Are you going to try and overthrow THIS government at any point during your stay? Moving here to work with the CIA to overthrow your own government is, of course, still permitted.


“The both-siderism shit has to stop. They are not like us. And they are not like the Founding Fathers, either.”

Exactly. What seems to be missed here is that it was massive. It was the people of Serbia against a fascist. And it is ALWAYS a facist who claims it was their revolution. Just like these baby “oath keepers” claim to be the modern day founding fathers.


No djok.


Oh yeah. When they talk among themselves, it’s like Marvel comics time. Emotionally they’re children.


Yes, and I am also aware of the Supreme Court precedent establishing that it’s not a First Amendment violation to deport a foreign national who advocates for the violent or unlawful overthrow of the government.


If only he had been Black, thereby freeing the boys in blue to taze the eff out of him.

Yeah, that period was way more complicated than it seemed, I’m sure.

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