How A Conspiracy Site Spread MisInformation About The El Paso Shooter

Not to mention the double-standard highlighted here. The MSM, Faux News and GOP base/Trump KKKult love to call it tough talk when a GOPer does it, but then get all bent out of shape when it’s a Dem.


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Jim Hoft is the James O’Keefe of Jacob Wohls.


Ha! We’ll be lucky to escape it doing that all in one day today lol

My brother managed to shoot himself at the age of 7 and didn’t even use a gun. Long story. Once Bobby got the tourniquet applied we all thought it was hilaroius. Then the guy in Snyder’s Pretzel route truck happened upon us and took him home. Much to my parent’s shock and dismay. Scrambling for an out we told the cops two guys in a black limosine drove by and shot him. I think they looked for those guys for weeks.

Ah, the 60s. I wouldn’t give them up for anything.

A man’s first reaction to murder is “how can I spread lies?”.


Note to INCELS: When trying to make convincing edits, don’t use the spelling of “Democratic Party” that only republics do.



Hey, I did that way earlier and better, IMHO.

Sadly, one act of violence can possibly lead to another. This has been making the rounds on Facebook among some of my Hispanic friends.

Yesterday at 12:20 PM ·

Now is the time for Texans, especially those of Mexican heritage to exercise their right to bear arms. While the media, political parties, and your friends argue whether or not targeted violence against a certain segment of American society exists and if it’s a growing trend, arguing who caused it or why it happened, our duty is to protect ourselves and our loved ones. It’s our natural right to do so. I pray this is the last time this happens, that somehow we can change, deter, or stop those very few irrational people who live amongst us that want to hurt us for not being exactly like them. However because of what happened in El Paso, life in Texas has changed forever. As has been the case throughout American history, it’s up to us to protect us.


Yes, everyone needs a weapon. I live in Baltimore - we just don’t go out at night.

Nah, it’s the stuff you use to fire up the grill.

I know why, cuz he’s the stupidest man on the internets.

@rucleare and @playitagainrowlf take some considerable offence at that.

Wonkette told me, so I have to believe it.

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One telling detail: no true Democrat would identify his political affiliation as the “Democrat Party.”

Post hoc: I see several other people had exactly the same thought.


Exactly why the Catholic Church threatened to excommunicate Galileo for insisting that the earth orbited the sun rather than the other way around.


Al n Emo, classic!

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And the sort of funny thing is that whoever wrote the “profile” doesn’t seem to know that.

Not for nothing, but would any Democrat say he or she was registered with the “Democrat Party”? That’s your tell right there.


That’s the only accurate version of that website.


I never thought I’d see the day that I agreed with something Trump said, but here we are.

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