How A Conspiracy Site Spread MisInformation About The El Paso Shooter

In the hours after a mass shooting Saturday, a right-wing conspiracy website used bogus “evidence” from a reputation management website to spread misinformation about the accused El Paso gunman.

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This struggle is for our lives. The only thing we have is us.


“Hoft assumed he had witnessed to a left-wing conspiracy.”

No he didn’t. Dude doesn’t believe even half the bullshit he’s pushing. HE was probably the one who first edited it


One version, from Sunday morning, reads: “HELLO I AM EDITING YOUR INTERNET. Get off of this webpage and find a reputable source.”

Well, there’s a novel approach.


Have Fox and President Shit for Brains repeated the lies yet?


There’s a logical explanation for Hoft’s mistakes. Unfortunately it’s covered under Executive Privilege, and therefore will remain a secret.


Hoft has often been called the “stupidest person on the Internet” with good reason.


The Alt-Fact provided in the article is already in the Daily Caller/Townhall reality sphere. They won’t self correct, they won’t change, they’ll just continue to blame the ‘Others’ for such acts.


Beat me to it.

I have, in the past, suggested that there be a steel-cage death match between Hoft (Stupidest Man on the Internet), Hannity (Stupidest Man on TV), and Louie Gohmert (Stupidest Man in Congress). [The only problem would be if any of them survives. ] I bet people would pay good money to see that on Pay-per-View.


Orwellian doublethink in action; Reich-wing ideologues falsify public records and then believe in the new history that they themselves have rewritten.

It’s all of a piece really: the American right-wing is profoundly totalitarian in impulse and thought, up to and including the essential goal of tyranny: removing all defenses against an overpowering state by destroying institutions built to protect individuals; as Josef Stalin phrased it, “We are for the withering away of the state, and at the same time we stand for the strengthening of the dictatorship, which represents the most powerful and mighty of all forms of the state which have existed up to the present day.

These folks aren’t against truth just because they are stupid (although many are) or just to pwn liberals either: Authoritarians cannot tolerate an alternative system of constructing reality particularly one that can construct an alternate system of authority; e.g., science.

ETA case in point: A top climate scientist quit USDA, following others who say Trump has politicized science.


I wish someone at TPM would do a report on the influence (and control) that Russian Trolls have over many web sites via anonymous edits, message-board-bombing, and false story planting/promotion.

They are having a field day with these mass shootings, and the lazy and ignorant right-wingers are being led around by the nose by them on a daily basis.


First white Christian extremists to be encouraged by these shootings?

Faux News.

Faux News finds these shootings to be encouraging evidence that it’s all-day, every-day barrage of white Christian nationalist GOP-tribalist cultural resentment propaganda is working as intended, and this article is intended to spin the situation into more such propaganda in order to incite more right-wing hate, anger and violence. After all, it is THEY who are REALLY under assault and it is THEY who should feel justified by viewing their violence as merely SELF DEFENSE.


“…Democrat Party…” is a dead giveaway that the editor is right wing. ‘Democrat Party’ as opposed to Democratic Party is a long standing right wing shibboleth.


Right. Nothing says ‘innocence’ like racing to the documentary evidence and frantically erasing, shredding, editing, deleting every doc you can get your hands on; and removing keywords like Invasion from your tweets and websites (Chump!).


That is deep.


For a moment I missed Dougie Feith. The moment passed.


Of course, the RWMFs will try to claim that it was actually a Lie-beral who did that, as a “false flag” (so to speak) operation.

I think some RWMF has already claimed that the Gilroy terrorist and the El Paso (or Dayton, don’t recall which) terrorist were the same person, so it was all fake news. Moron apparently forgot that the Gilroy murderer is dead.


Since you can anonymously make edits at MyLife, I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that Hoft probably contributed to if not did those last few edits.


They’re going to have an even bigger field day in the 2020 election. With the full acquiesence of Trump and Parscale. Trump has already informed the Russians, in full view of our intel agencies and the electorate, he’s open for any help they want to provide. And it’s effectively legal, if he wins, as he cannot be charged with any crime, no matter what form their assistance takes. They could actually change votes, steal votes, stop votes, benefitting Trump. If it delivers him victory so much the better. What the hell is the country going to do if it’s discovered, hold another election? Hell no, his victory would stand. There would be much gnashing of teeth and rending of garments, but it would stand.

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