Originally published at: House Republican Leadership’s Nerve-Racking Tuesday - TPM – Talking Points Memo
I wrote last week about the historically tiny majority House Republicans will hold as they attempt to enact the worst pillars of Donald Trump’s agenda at the start of the 119th Congress. You can read the details here, but the short version is this: due to vacancies Trump himself created by appointing members of the…
Put the goddamn pressure on. My House rep is a D and my Senators are both Ds. (I live in MD, where we are still sane.) I called all three of them today and left messages for how they can talk to their GOP colleagues about these Cabinet nominations, especially for DoD and HHS. I do have some skin in that game. Don’t give up. Call your reps and tell them what you think. Don’t give up. Let them know, even if they are Ds, that we need them.
“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” – Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Single vote mandate.
That’s the more likely scenario: Republican reps are bold little screws until the big screw talks and we can expect unanimity in the caucus on any subject the big screw cares about.
Did Eddie Murphy base his Norton/Kramden bit on a quote from Solzenitsyn?
Republicans will start the year unable to lose one single vote in their conference in order to pass legislation
“The four most majestic words democracy has to offer: The person has spoken!”
(h/t Bush the Gunrunner)
And every faction of his conference is upset with him for how he’s handling it
Is Mike Johnson in danger of losing his Speakership? The drama may be too, too much but it will be glorious!
And if just one shuffles off their mortal coil, which given some of the ages of the reps, both Dem and GOP, fun and games will follow…
And how did you suggest they do it?
How can God’s chosen people be so fucked up?
Yup. It’s the reverse of speaking truth to power; it’s speaking power to truth.
What also, perhaps unfortunately, need be noted was Solzhenitsyn was a (gasp!) old white male - and yet still, a victim.
Shorter Spartz: “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” Although that’s insulting to monkeys.
However, despite the denial she is a clown, so she should know.
Dems should have demanded funding through the fiscal year. CRs are highly inefficient, plus funding government for the rest of the fiscal year cuts off threats from the Right. As an added bonus, Dems can really show that Republicans don’t give a damn about efficiency or fiscal responsibility.
Isn’t inflation really high? How can government operate if Congress gives it the same budget as last year?
BTW, DOGE isn’t a thing. It’s a fantasy department that doesn’t exist because CONGRESS has to write the legislation to start it. Anyway, we know billionaires like Elmo hate CFPB- how dare government try to regulate fraud and theft.
They think their greedy little brain farts are “ideas.”
Ooh, charts!
I know (from business and teaching) that charts can be very pretty and mean absolutely nothing.
Wow, spellcheck much?