Couple days ago TPM reported on the Fox and Friends segment declaring their support for the Doral G7 plans. Including the quip that of course the president would have gotten legal advice on how to donate the property.
This is why reporting on Fox and Friends matters: it’s where DJT goes for his polling feedback, legal advice, morality compass, the works. And they suggested he go ahead, just find a legal way to not make a profit and there’d be no issues.
I thought then that the WH would start to back off. When the only advisors you care about tell DJT to not make any money off a thing? Tweets will be forthcoming about how the fake media blew the idea out of proportion as it was mostly “a joke.” And those anti-american Dem oversighters are wasting so much taxpayer money and time over it SAD!
And when it comes to job approval, only 41% of voters say Trump is doing well, while 98% of voters have to admit bedbugs are extremely effective in fulfilling their responsibilities.
I agree. It seems as though many people are expecting a repeat of the Clinton impeachment fiasco; the difference being that the charges were weak and people actually liked Clinton. “The Current Occupant”? Only his “base” loves him.
If Trump had any class at all, this would be his motto:
Charge 'em for the lice, extra for the mice
Two percent for looking in the mirror twice
Here a little slice, there a little cut
Three percent for sleeping with the window shut
O/T (sort of):
Did anyone else see this? Is he trying to get booted and/or make himself unelectable?
ETA: I know, he really is/should be unelectable, but we’ve been down this rabbit hole for so long now… < ssiigghh >
Well, there’s no way that will become policy before a lawsuit forces an preliminary injunction (or whatever the proper legal term is). We should never allow anyone under our jurisdiction to become countryless.