Another subpoena fight is brewing over the Trump administration’s handling of the 2020 census.
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Another subpoena fight is brewing over the Trump administration’s handling of the 2020 census.
Congressional subpoenas are only valid when they are issued by Republicans against Democrats.
And I believe that they don’t count unless you send several letters ahead of time, spaced weeks apart, that suggest a subpoena might be coming eventually if letters aren’t promptly responded to.
“Pleased be informed that Mr. Ross will be unable to comply due to his extended Winter nap.
- Signed, Mr. Ross’ Shadow”
I hope they scheduled it for a morning session. Otherwise, Ross will be in full sundowning nap mode and they’ll have more trouble keeping him awake than they will getting him to truthfully answer simple questions. Maybe offer him a free continental breakfast and schedule it for 5am, which is his usual “7th piss of the night so I might as well just stay up now” time. Maybe hold it at Denny’s?
Appointed hour is noon!
Jack him up on some steroids and hand him a martini.
Does anyone believe that someone in the current maladministration will respond correctly to a House subpoena? Seriously? Well, I suppose you have to try. But is anyone in the House leadership willing to find someone obviously and flagrantly obstructing congressional oversight in Contempt of Congress? And if so, are they going to get the House Sergeant at Arms to activate the Capitol Police to apprehend the obstructive asshole and place him in irons inside a broom closet somewhere in the Capitol grounds until he relents and coughs up the subpoenaed documents?
@Volvo_Birkenstock Currently? No. In some 40+ days, you bet your sweet ass that there will be movement; bowels, courts and Congress.
It’s like praying to be ready when Jay-sus returns. They might have a long wait…
oh shit, that was funny. I almost choked on a triscuit! omg!!!