House Judiciary Subpoenas Lewandowski, Ex-WH Aide Dearborn | Talking Points Memo

Bullshit. Just bullshit.

You seem to think you’re a mind reader. You suck at it.

ah yes, the old “she has access to more information than we do” excuse.

The idea that Nancy Pelosi is some kind of genius flew out the window with the “immigration supplemental appropriations” fiasco, and the completely botched handling of the aftermath. The only reason Pelosi’s incompetence did not tear the party apart was Trump’s decision to go full bore racist against the squad.

Pelosi saved GWB from being impeached in 2007, and now she is saving Trump from the same fate. And its clear that she doesn’t understand that there is a massive difference between 2007 and 2019 (let alone 1987 when she joined the House, and 2019) – she’s old, obsolete and lost in the past.

So, your solution is to lob ad hominem attacks rather than defend their strategy (such as it is)? Yes, Machiavelli would be proud. Lincoln and Plato? not so much.

'Cuz we’re not republicans?

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