Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) expressed contrition in private for her some of her past incendiary remarks as well as for embracing QAnon conspiracy theories — and received a standing ovation from a number of her colleagues, according to reports.
“It’s me this week, and it’ll be someone else next week, and our leaders are too weak to stand up against it. That is why Republican voters will not vote for them anymore,”
First they came for the people who tried to physically overthrow the government, and I said nothing, because I had not actually been at the Capitol that day.
Then they came for the Q-Anon supporters, and I said nothing, because I have slightly more control over what sort of sewage comes out of my piehole.
Next they came for the people who believe in Jewish space lasers, and I said nothing, because … I just … whatever.
Then they came for the people who approve of assassinating opposition politicians, and I said nothing because that’s, like, literally a component of fascism.
Apologizing to Republicans hardly moves the needle. Let’s see her apologize to the Democratic caucus, since they’re the people she’s encouraged violence against. The issue here is less her lunacy in believing ridiculous conspiracy theories than her encouragement of violence and her attacks on democracy.
They want so badly to avoid having to act on her insanity that they’d each happily buy the Brooklyn Bridge from her and ask if she could get the Holden Gate Bridge for a good price too.
That must be something, having a private meeting with MTG. First they came for the everyone! And I said something, because I am everyone, and they took us away anyway, you pansies! Now they’ll come for you! WAKA DA BADA BING BONG AWOOOOOOOOOO…
“I’m sorry that I didn’t adequately clean up my social media footprint, allowing people to verify my racist, lunatic worldview. But, thanks - it’s nice to be among friends!” –MQG
Either these applauding GOPers don’t realize or just don’t care that if Greene wasn’t one of them that she herself would have been joyfully insurrecting on January 6th.
So I guess it will be on the body politic to decide if they will abide an R party that harbors, nay nurtures, fascism. And I have no sense of optimism. And suddenly I’m overcome again with the notion to renounce my citizenship and move anywhere else. It was a nice two weeks though.
The old “I’m sorry anyone is upset by my statements.” deflection and transference of responsibility to the “anyone” from herself. It’s not her statements that are the problem, it’s the “snowflakes” who get upset by her “truthful statements.”
It’s the old: “I’m sorry my wearing a swastika upsets you, you money-grubbing, Statan-Worshipping, Baby-Blood-Drinking, filthy Jew.” kind of statement.
and McCarthy and 2/3 or the Republican Caucus (and voters) are just fine with that, while the other 1/3 are cowering in fear of the Brown Shirts that now control the Republican Party.
Mark Twain: “History does not repeat itself, but it frequently rhymes.”
So the GOP has rallied around Marjorie Nutjob GangGreene. With Trump, Jordan, Gaetz, and McQarthy supporting her, we are witnessing the GOP’s leap onto the ash heap of history. How will having her as the party’s de facto leader help with expanding the base? She will only accelerate the party’s decline.