House Dems Legal Briefing | Talking Points Memo

In a trial brief sent to the Senate Saturday evening, House Democrats argued that the Senate should remove President Trump from office in the upcoming impeachment trial due to the national security threat he poses.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hear ye! Hear ye!!


The polling favors the Dems on this one.

No matter what happens with the GOP contortions, they will resist showing anything but rebuttals, not testimony, witnesses or data…and the fact will remain that, in the end, their “defense” of Trump comes down to this:

“We don’t have to show you anything. We can do what we want.”

And that anvil will be around the neck of every GOPPER running for his Senate seat.


I will be a dollar not one of the Republican Senators reads the brief in its entirety.


“In a trial brief sent to the Senate Saturday evening, House Democrats argued that the Senate should remove President Trump from office in the upcoming impeachment trial due to the national security threat he poses.”

Some Counts.

" 3 Years In, ‘A Very Stable Genius’ Authors Say Trump Decisions Are ‘More Chaotic’"


They’ll be shitting themselves with rage over on Breitbart - well played, Dems.


Compare/contrast this document with trump’s juvenile attempt at pushback.


I caution EVERYONE from overestimating the negative effect that Republicans will call down upon themselves for behaving badly.

I have no doubt the Dems will come off looking better than Rs…but hell, that has been the case every day for 4-5 decades. I believe how Ds comported themselves since Chump’s election and during (and because of) Impeachment will have a salutary effect. I just don’t think Rs behavior will weigh like a millstone around R necks. The American Simpleton wants the easy road (or wants the candidate that promises the easy way.)

That’s not doom and gloom…that is just how it is. Now that Pelosi has rolled the dice, gone small with Impeachment Articles, and appears to have stalled, dropped, or forgotten all other criminal investigations; the ball is now in Moscow Mitch’s vile hands and we will get what we always knew he would deliver.

It is now the D task to do our best to hang the Rs vile behavior around the necks of R election campaigns. That is a totally different game than just expecting their Impeachment behavior to do that job for us. And the rallying cry for Ds in every state, that will energize our base even more and get the folks to ‘do the needful’ should be: You don’t need to live in KY to vote against Moscow Mitch.

For once, for goddamn once in my adult lifetime, we have the ability to vilify an R nationally the way Rs have always vilified Ds. To swiftboat Moscow Mitch McConnell. To affect every state, in statewide elections, and counter Gerrymandering in a very effective way. We need to make Moscow Mitch the boogeyman the way FOX has managed to always find a D to make into a national boogeyman.

If everyone in every state sees this as Moscow Mitch vs Nancy Pelosi, we win. If everyone in every state sees this as an election not only about POTUS, but as Us vs Moscow Mitch…he loses. He doesn’t have to lose in KY to lose big. He needs to lose his majority by losing Senators in other states and if not voted out of office, voted to the back bench.


It’s a sure bet – the Memo runs 111 pages (compared to Memo from IMPOTUS3 handlers at 7 pages.)


“President Trump’s conduct is the Framers’ worst nightmare,” the managers wrote in the brief.

Mine, too.

Just sayin’.


Passionately stated and I in no way took it to mean any refutation of what I wrote.

Indeed, your line of thinking matches mine in the sense that I have constantly sought to convey to everyone that we have an opportunity few people have to vanquish a Dictator.

  • Russians did not have it with Stalin
  • Germans did not have it with Hitler
  • Italians did not have it with Mussolini

The tragic irony is this: The system which makes our actions to remove Trump possible, has also cushioned us from being invaded…from being occupied…FROM HAVING DIRECT EXPERIENCE with Dictators.

That element makes us slow to react. There are still people (of ALL races and colors) more interested in the Super Bowl than what we are talking about here


Word. BTW…who’s playing?


He should be removed before SOTU.


The Graham story is very important. For me, that is the story of the Day.

I am going to post this on another thread


At some point, ‘because I said so’ is not an adequate defense for the articles that have been presented.

I do agree, however, that we’ve not had a great history with messaging. This is the one time messaging needs to be at the forefront. It’s not that difficult, but messaging has just not been a strong suit.

The nation cannot afford for this effort to fail.


Whatevs- call we get a thread dedicated to the dreamy Anthony de Caluwe? He is the dreamiest character to date and pings as “Russian” to me. A male Simona Mangiante / Butina?. We expect great things from this hunk of



An even greasier Gerard Butler vibe


It is a total outrage that MitchtheBitch is closing the Senate to all media for impeachment proceedings. A US President impeached behind closed doors.

Totalitarian state of USA


Sadly, this is the same group of senators that is literally willing to let the entire world burn (or drown) in order to keep those sweet, sweet fossil fuel industry contributions. I doubt they will allow a piddly thing like destruction of the Republic get in the way of their short-term gain.


Totes! Definitely multi-lingual, well-traveled and well-dressed. The anti-maga man except they have to accept him because he is spouting their bulshit back to them. It is hard for us to find unattractive, pudgy red-faced operatives because we usually do not use those guys on the front lines.

This guy came out of nowhere because we have so many successful ops in the US, everyone is busy. He is Ben Carson’s handler.