Leading House Democrats demanded Thursday that fired State Department Inspector General Steve Linick be reinstated, and that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo turn over a tranche of new documents related to the firing.
Is there an official/legal way in which the House can nullify Trump’s firing of Linick? Trump just keeps expanding his dictatorial commands without any solid legal resistance. That needs to change . . . and we cannot wait until November, much less January.
We need a serious, comprehensive effort to “future-Trump-proof” the federal government once the Democrats are back in charge, so this sort of corrupt, renegade administration can NEVER happen again.
“This environment could severely chill whistleblower disclosures to the Office of Inspector General because whistleblowers might fear that their identity could become known to an official still reporting to you.”
Chiselin’ Trump and Pompeo, in unison: “Correct. And that’s exactly the way we want it.”
Who else in his cabinet is thinking “why didn’t I think of that?” I was originally thinking Dr. Carson because of the dining table for his office scandal. But then, I thought why single him out, because I bet you that more then one of them has done similar. Thinking of the use of certain branded facilities on the government’s (our) dime.
House Dems Call For IG Reinstatement, Demand Pompeo Docs
Man, those Democrats are slow learners, how many times the Supreme Court has to tell them that the Administration doesn’t need to provide shit as long as it’s run by republicans?
I bet a big strong autoworker, big guy, union guy, will approach him with tears in his eyes and say “Sir! We’re so glad you got us our jobs back!”
He’s late because he’s still taking part of the “listening session” with African American leaders. He actually just said that he’ll “take some questions from the Fake News”
He pretends to listen while sorting out belittling ways to rephrase their names if called on to answer.
It’s an area of expertise in which he prides himself.
One of his few.
And you would tell the Democrats, just 253 in number in the House plus a minority in the senate who have no voice, to do what exactly? We’re struck with PP and his corrupt cabinet for a little while longer, but it’s how he got to be prez that we should never forget: DEMOCRATS DIDN’T TURN OUT TO VOTE.