House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) acknowledged to reporters on Thursday that the growing list of demands from his far-right flank is getting to be a lot to keep track of, between impeachment, far-right appropriation bill riders and their opposition to a short term spending bill.
The fascist caucus wants chaos. They think it’s the road to increasing their personal wealth and power. They could be given everything they’re currently demanding and it still wouldn’t be enough, they’d just come up with even more ridiculous demands.
Anyone who has children knows that the younger they are, the less reasonable they are. Let’s face facts, the House Freedumb Caucus is a bunch of spoiled brats who have no idea what they want, what they’re doing or even why they’re doing it. They’re a complete waste of time and an embarrassment to the United States in general and to the House of Representatives specifically. Like children, they are distracted by the latest shiny toy and engage in acts of tantrums that are nothing more than shear emotional terrorism to get what they want in any one moment, which changes five seconds later because they’re not fully formed human beings. Understandable and forgivable behavior among children, utterly unacceptable and disgraceful among adults.
You know there are sufficient members in the Republican caucus that don’t want the Freedumb caucus agenda. They want to be reelected and they think that the crazy will stop them dead in their tracts.
Put those Republicans together with Democrats and create a unity house majority. Name McCarthy speaker and dump all the Freedumb caucus members and MTG from house leadership and spend the next year getting ready for the elections without all the bullshit.
The important thing to remember is that the Republican House Caucus is united in purpose, even if divided on means.
Some favor matches; others favor flamethrowers – but they all share a common goal of burning America to the ground, and I think we can all give them credit for coming together behind that shared aspiration.
This crap is getting really tiresome. I’m assuming that at the last minute, while MTG and Co. are holding their breath and turning blue, the requisite number of Dems will vote with the R’s to pass a continuing resolution. If McCarthy can keep the loons from befouling the punchbowl, that is.
If I understand this, the future of the US pretty much depends on finding half a dozen republicans who would not vote for a motion to consider the chair vacant? If that Diogenes-level task can be accomplished, Kevin and the Democrats could pretty much pass everything that need to be passed so that the country’s government doesn’t shut down indefinitely.
(I say “indefinitely” because the loony-bin caucus clearly doesn’t know what they want, so even if kevin completely gave in to them they still wouldn’t be able to get something passed over their own competing objections, much less get the Senate to stop laughing at whatever that thing was.)
So, in other “news” — the feds indicted Hunter Biden on gun charges. Yes, even though he was already willing to plead to the gun charges, and already reached a deal in principle on the charges, because of GOP temper tantrums, we now have to go through the charade of a do-over on gun charges that should have already been resolved. Good times. Not a political stunt or anything. No, sir. Not a waste of time and resources. Nope. The GOP babies threw their pacifiers out of their pram, so this is the nonsense we get, all solely to try to sully his father.
The “Freedom Caucus” really seems to have completely devolved into the Nihilist Caucus. They don’t seem to believe in anything or have any goal other than to obstruct and hurt anyone they perceive to be in their way. They are happy to pursue actions that will harm US interests rather than even contemplate sitting down to talk with the other side.
That is not a way to build a coalition or to convince anyone that they have Americans’ best interests at heart.