Hope Hicks Departed WH For Last Time A Day Before House Vote To Impeach Trump | Talking Points Memo

I think whatshername said it best: “I don’t care. Do you?”


only question … when’s the book going to be published?


I hear Wendy’s is hiring.


Stale rotten core of evil bitch coated in the thinnest of pretty wrappers.

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Power hungry kkklowny slattern…oh the way we were…


In the Trump White House, I’m sure the silverware is only silver-plated.

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Is there any chance she was banging him?

I mean, it looked like she worshipped him, and stranger things have happened.


WH, yes, but didn’t Trump appoint her to some advisory panel you’ve never heard of for a federal agency whose purpose you don’t know? She doesn’t need to be at the WH; she’ll be sucking at the federal tit for some years before her term on that advisory panel that meets once a decade expires.

Grifters all.


I hope it’s a long, long time before she ever works again.

As others have pointed out, with Hope gone, the WH is Hopeless.

If her name had been Faith, there’d be Faith No More.

If she had been named Charity … well, Trump never had any charity for anyone but himself. So, whatever.

Where is she going to bring her COVID breath next?

She and Grennell to supervise Fulbright scholarship…
Chao and KellyAnn, to Air Force Academy Welcome Board

[quote=“wintermoon, post:48, topic:202647, full:true”]

WH, yes, but didn’t Trump appoint her to some advisory panel you’ve never heard of for a federal agency whose purpose you don’t know?

Whoo! go AOC!


good teeth

Worth another look:


good luck on trump finding any woman (except some deplorable). He’s old, fat, sick, and broke.

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One thing I like about the impeachment is axe-ing his pension; that would have been his only cash flow into the future and we definitely need to end that.

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This thread is not good.

Today I joined with more than 30 of my colleagues in requesting an investigation from the Acting House SAA, Acting Senate SAA, and USCP into the suspicious behavior and access given to visitors to the Capitol Complex on Jan. 5, 2021 - the day before the attacks on the Capitol. pic.twitter.com/zpPUSUuSrj

— Rep. Mikie Sherrill (@RepSherrill) January 13, 2021

Many of the Members who signed this letter, including those of us who have served in the military and are trained to recognize suspicious activity, as well as various members of our staff, witnessed an extremely high number of outside groups in the complex on Tuesday, January 5.

— Rep. Mikie Sherrill (@RepSherrill) January 13, 2021

This is unusual for several reasons, including the fact that access to the Capitol Complex has been restricted since public tours ended in March due to the pandemic. We found these tours so concerning that senior staff questioned the SAA on January 5 about what was taking place.

— Rep. Mikie Sherrill (@RepSherrill) January 13, 2021

Only if he’s found guilty. My favorite part is that they can bar him from ever running from office which will make it harder to fundraise for his next presidential run.

I’ve never been impressed with Hope Hick’s intelligence, judgment, or the extent of her contribution to anything. While she does have that blonde-bimbo look that (to the extent any of his hardware still works) lights Trump’s fire, if she actually reciprocated his (almost certain) advances, she’s even dumber and more craven than I thought.