Ya beat me to it by seconds.
Type faster, LOL
Much as I hate Trump and of course he would have hit that if he could, I also hate it when people demean a woman by assuming a sexual relationship with a powerful man without any evidence.
I’m quite sure I saw a tweet from Cohen a day or two ago showing his utter disgust with how Barr has intervened and shut down the investigation so that none of his co-conspirators will be indicted. Can prisoners have access to cell phones and Twitter?
Sent through intermediaries, I presume, and posted on his behalf.
OT Trump is telling white Americans to pick a side. Many are choosing poorly:
Was she aware of phone calls and conversations pertaining to Stormy Daniel (Clifford) and a relationship to her boss (POTUS)? Was she aware that AMI chief executives were working to kill a story about POTUS?
What if there were a Federal Agency tasked to investigate and determine the facts and truth of the matter?
You dreamer, you…
Barr stool comes to mind, but is perhaps too picturesque.
No idea really. Cohen’s in Club Fed from my understanding tho, so they probably get a set time with that kind of thing each day is my guess.
It’s the flip-side of the whole “take our country back” coin. “This is a white people country and, defined as such, belongs to us, and we’re not going to let the browns like that Kenyan usurper take it from us.”
“Her Attorney” my Ass…
Hopes Hicks Sinks Dicks
She probably already did and then signed an NDA about it.
Supposed to be said in 14 words.
Talk about failing upward - HIcks has never been qualified for any job she has ever been given. She was 26 when Trump added her to his administration. She comes from wealth and privilege and she looks it and acts it. She is Ivanka with different colored hair.
I was wondering what that emoji represented…
Well, she admitted to “steaming his pants.”