Herschel Walker And GOP Scramble To Do Major Damage Control After Explosive Paid Abortion Allegation - TPM – Talking Points Memo

On Monday, the Daily Beast dropped a bombshell report in which an ex-girlfriend of Georgia Republican Senate nominee Herschel Walker revealed that the supposedly “pro-life” candidate had paid for her to get an abortion in 2009. The woman backed up her account with a receipt from the abortion clinic, a bank deposit receipt from a signed $700 check Walker had given her for the procedure, and even a “get well” card he had allegedly sent her that bore his signature.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1434707
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“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


Meanwhile, seen recently in Florida:


It is striking that nobody in the Georgia Republican Party was willing to take on Herschel Walker in the Republican primary. David Perdue went after Governor Kemp, Jody Hice left Congress to try to become the Ga. Secretary of State instead of Raffensperger. But everybody left Walker, who did not even live in Georgia, untouched. And yet a decent politician, given two weeks of investigation, could have realized that Walker had enormous flaws, yes?

But I guess Walker’s name recognition, University of Georgia football history, and endorsement by Donald Trump meant he was untouchable?


Because of Republicans’ denial and stubbornness and total lack of principle, pretending it’s of no import, fake news and so forth, media will continue to see this as a horse race. They think they need to see Republicans fleeing Walker. What they don’t see is how it is hardening the opposition to Walker, and adding more voters to that opposition.

This won’t go away. The proofs are there. And, regardless of the media spin, it’s a fatal blow to Walker’s campaign.


There were 5 other GOP candidates in their primary. Walker, who blew off the two debates, won with 68%. Next highest candidate was 13.5%.


I wish you were right, but at this point, nothing will convince anyone to change their mind. It’s now a matter of “pride” to not be convinced by the most egregious behavior by Republicans. Trump’s indictment (if it happens) will not cause anyone to leave him (by this time). I suspect the only issues that might actually change minds - currently - are threats to Social Security or Medicare (and maybe Dobbs and attacks on privacy, but not holding my breath).


I need to see more of these Desantis fashion statements!


Mr. Walker, reading from a 3x5 index card then intoned “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”


Say no more!


Made my day!


If only there were a process to ensure proper vetting of a parties candidates before the general election! /s


If there really was a Jesus, he would be smiting these lying con men left and right…the incident of money changers at the temple would be a preamble…


suddenly insisting that he’s “been redeemed” and accusing his opponents of “trying to bring up my past to hurt me.”

But, uh, how does one find redemption for something they never did?

That was one of his other personalities.


While the card is some nice icing on the hypocrisy cake, the check is the eggs, flour and sugar. Did Walker claim that he didn’t sign the check? If someone else signed a check from his account, that would mean one or more serious crimes had been committed. Walker should be calling for an investigation to find out who forged his name on the check.

ETA: In case it’s not obvious from my line of inquiry, I think his silence on the check pretty much says it all.


The fatal blow to Walker’s campaign should have been when he announced he was running for Senator.

Responsible media would have replied, “You? Seriously?”


Counterpoint: Republican voters don’t actually give a shit about abortion on an individual level, they just want it performatively banned. Herschel Walker will definitely vote to performatively ban abortion, so he’s still their guy.


Today, it would be a WWF event—“JESUS, UNCHAINED!”


They’ll also vote for him, because, like TFG, he still offers stupid, simple solutions to incredibly complex problems that make the rubes feel better about themselves and their lot in life.


Walker’s Campaign Knew About The Abortion For Months – And Didn’t Prepare At All

The Abortion?

It’s kinda’ cute how the campaign assumes that there was only one.