Heritage Foundation Funds Blacklist Of Federal Workers

Originally published at: Heritage Foundation Funds Blacklist Of Federal Workers

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. Keeping A Blacklist And Checking It Twice The Heritage Foundation is funding the creation of a blacklist of federal government workers who MAGA loyalists claim might obstruct the Trump II agenda, the Associated…


Frist! Through the backdoor and into the land of comments
without even requesting help. Yay!

And, of course, a picture of Mesa at 18.


as some day it many happen that a victim must be found
he’s got a little list, he’s got a little list
of nasty liberals thwarting Trump at every turn
they’ve made a little list, they’ve made a little list…


Keeping A Blacklist And Checking It Twice

The word “cleansing” comes to mind.


Reagan was a racist nutjob in mental decline (esp 2nd term) who catered to the rich under the guise of pro-American faux-populism. MAGA is Reagan-conservatism, just less artfully done.


That list should be pretty easy to compile. Go to the Federal Directory, filter out the GS- people. Start with Aardvark and go through Zzyzogeton (or maybe Zzyzx, if someone’s adopted a California high desert town’s name as their surname)>


The problem, of course, is that the election is not rigged and it’s very close

This is false! GOP-run statehouses across the country have been pre-rigging the 2024 election for at least a couple years. There is every reason to expect that several state-level votes will be contested, both by people with legitimate claims of disenfranchisement, and by bad-faith MAGA actors.

It is practically a certainty that some of these cases will reach SCOTU$, where the Federalists will be sure to lean towards TRUMP.

This is why folks expect TRUMP to become president again. Nobody expects him to win more voters.


Just a reminder, the hearings with Cannon today conclude with TFG trying to exclude notes and recordings by his attorney, discussing his attempt to evade the subpoena and keep anyone from looking at the documents. He’s claiming atty/client privilege. Smith rightfully points out that this is the discussion of illegal acts and as such "pierces the veil) (hate how much we hear the phrase) of privilege.

This is going to be a very interesting day

And I know, I sourced this story out of Ireland. But that’s because the US version is Reuters, which demands you disable your ad blocker. Doing so makes the article unreadable with over 100 ads on the page, including full page pop-ups.


Wherein JD Vance compares divorce to changing underwear. Ohio, why would you unloose this rancorous ignoramus on the rest of us?

On the increase in divorces, Vance said in 2021: “One of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace” is the idea that “these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy, and so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that’s going to make people happier in the long term”.


That boobert might actually win the CO-4 primary is a damning indictment of the fascist base. How easily they are willing to toss any claims to family values or even basic human decency accurately defines them in a way their words never will.

I’ve long had an extremely low opinion of the magat base. It just went down again.


I stayed there once. It’s not a town. It is an odd place.


Aileen Cannon is off WaPo’s chain, too, apparently. This headline! Oy.

Special counsel falters in push to limit Trump’s attacks on FBI agents

U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon did not immediately rule on the motion to add a new condition to Trump’s bail on his pending trial for allegedly mishandling classified documents. Her approach suggested a decision is unlikely to come before Thursday’s scheduled debate between Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, and President Biden, his Democratic rival.

But it’s the Special counsel who’s faltering? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



It’s not unusual for Tom Jones to compile a list like that. He’s probably used to compiling lists from the green green grass of his home. He’s probably so bored with compiling the lists that he’ll never fall in love again with another list. :joy:

Seriously though, where do the GQP find these guys? It’s like a bad Nixon enemies list.


Backdoor success. I feel so rebellious and seditious.


It sounded like Boebert’s success is possibly due to too many candidates for the job. Too much vote splitting.


The Pickling! A new Stephen King Novel!

Ronny Johnson (aka Jackson) has a highly inflammable meal ticket.

Ron Filipkowski


Lot of alcohol on that Ronny tab.


No wonder the CF doesn’t sleep with Melanoma.


Evidence. The bane of the an evidence-free ideology.


Because the crime-fraud exemption is such controversial law, doncha know.