Harris Baits A Bitter And Defensive Trump Into Exposing His True Colors

Somebody call the cops……Trump just murdered Trump


These “undecided” voters on CNN and MSNBC who say they need “more information” from Harris are lying. The “more information” line is just a way for them to rationalize not voting for the black woman.


They never get old.


Captain Howe: As a man who has 30 years of naval experience, I can say in all confidence that if that crew got together and shot Gilligan, they’d have been off that island in a week. Problem solved.


Morning Pundits: Well Trump didn’t literally start frothing at the mouth and falling over backwards, so I guess he won.


Hook. Line. Sinker.

Another bait Harris used early was mentioning economists agreeing that tariffs are sales taxes, and she included professors at Wharton … sure enough, he went ballistic about ALL THE PROFESSORS AT HIS OLD SCHOOL AGREE WITH HIM.

Good to have a laugh at Trump’s expense.


Good night for democracy. Debates don’t win elections, but this was a good one for Harris.

CNN snap poll:

Pre-debate expectations of winner:
Harris 50%
Trump 50%

Post debate:
Harris 63%
Trump 37%


Icing on the cake that Taylor Swift endorsed Harris tonight in a well thought out media release.
I guess this cartoon was clairvoyant.


So Kamala figuratively poked him in the eye? Go Kam!


I don’t know whether it is lying or racism or misogyny…rather, I believe that it is a desperate attempt by certain voters to arrogate a kind of super-importance to their vote, the same kind of electoral narcissism that leads people to vote for Jill Stein or Ralph Nader. We hear similar voices in elections all the time - even when the candidates are two white men.


What I’m seeing is that people are blaming Trump’s age.

Which is a complete cop-out. Trump did much better than I was expecting, especially after his performance in June where he simply spouted general nonsense repeatedly. I was not expecting Trump to cite any facts or statistics at all, but he did, several times. I mean it sincerely: I think this was Trump’s best debate performance.

I think MSM is preparing to make excuses for Trump, rather than acknowledge that he was just obliterated on his own merits.

Not that I think it will exactly help Trump if the prevailing story is that he’s too old to keep up with a feisty 60-year-old.

But yeah, MSM still looking for a way to prevent the inevitable collapse of Organized Money’s chosen avatar.


So DonOLD has bit a concept that may someday actually turn into a plan? A plan that could possibly turn into Obamacare II-sometime in the future?


I cannot even with these “undecided voters”.
They already know what they want to do.
All they want is feeling like only their voice matrers, democracy be damned.
I’d love to tell them to stick their votes up their asses, truth be told.
That’s just me.


Coming from men it is misogyny. My fear is that men who might otherwise vote for a male Democrat won’t be able to bring themselves to vote for a woman. Hence they are “looking for more information.”

Coming from women, well, I just don’t understand. I’m not a woman so maybe someone who is can explain the pathology that would keep a woman from voting for Harris. Racism? Can women be misogynist?


That was as thorough a beatdown as one will ever see. Harris won on substance and stylistic terms. She emasculated Trump and beat him down repeatedly.

Debates do not make general election winners, but what they can do is confirm and solidify trends that are already developing under the hood. There are 4 presidential debates that I would say meet this standard:

Kennedy-Nixon (1960)
Reagan-Carter (1980)
Clinton-Bush I- Perot II (1992)
Biden-Trump (2024)

Kennedy-Nixon mattered b/c JFK had positive things going for him but was viewed as young and inexperienced. He looked more comfortable in the nation’s first TV debate and that made him credible as a choice against the sitting VP of a popular President.

Reagan had grown in appeal against an embattled Carter, but he was in a 3 way race, and still had baggage as a guy that was too hard right for the country. He looked Presidential in that debate, and late deciders went hard for Reagan.

Clinton was young, talented, scandal ridden, but had a great message on the economy that had vaulted him to a mid single digit polling lead. He needed to show that thoughtfulness and maturity against the sitting President and upstart challenger and did so in the nation’s first town hall format for a general election. Voters on the fence or leaning one way but not committed got committed and Clinton defeated a sitting President and put the Dems back in the WH for the first time in 15 years.

Biden-Trump '24 confirmed the doubts about Biden’s age and fitness for the job. He lost the confidence of Dem electeds and about half the party. Pelosi and Obama orchestrated his exit.

Harris-Trump was historic even before it started. No former President had run for the office again in over 100 years. No former President had ever been convicted of a crime, let alone impeached twice and indicted in 3 separate courts. Harris has shown in the last 6 weeks that people like her. She has shrunk Trump’s map and enhanced her own. They liked her convention. However, they needed to see her on the stage to see if she measured up on the CiC question. Like Reagan, JFK and Clinton she more than met that bar, but she eviscerated her opponent in a way the others didn’t. There was one President on that stage and it wasn’t Trump.

However, as a reader of polling data, I can tell you that pre-debate Harris was already running ahead of Biden '20 among college educated white voters and non college white voters (and whites overall). Since the week of the convention she’s posted leads in about 8 GA polls, Trump in 7, with 2 or 3 ties. In NC, she’s led in 3 recent quality NC polls and has been no more than a point down in others since mid-August. She’s led in the majority of polls in the blue wall as well as NV, while being neck and neck in A. IoW, the trend towards Harris was already there. Now, after having demonstrated that she is a legit Commander in Chief, I think you’ll see those trends solidify. GA/NC should move more towards a tilt to lean blue status. There may be conflicting polls, but you’ll see under the hood that her share of whites, latinos, blacks are creeping up to the threshold where she can win.


What was that line someone else said, a few years ago, about “a man you can bait with a tweet…”?


His mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention.

(Oh, by the way, “n” word advisory on that clip … among other things.)

JD Vance: “Ditto.”


I agree, but the more deplorable RWers will take it out of context.

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His mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention.

JD Vance: “Ditto. You talk prettier than a $2 whore.”

(Come on! Just quoting the movie. Relax.)
(OK, yes, different scene. Still a quote.)


You know, that’s what I thought I heard in real time. But watch that clip again. Look how his eyes dart over to side and back as interrupts himself to make sure we understood his transgression.

My mistake was in filling in words and phrases and arguments for him; he has this tendency to throw words and catch-phrases up into the air and let the listeners decipher what they will. It reminds me of a Rorschach test, or better yet of one of those magnetic poetry kits. One of the great failings of journalism in his era has been succumbing to the natural human imperative to look for patterns, to fill in the blanks, a habit that is great for spotting tigers in the jungle, not so great for discerning truth from randomness. So it looked like he was going to say she put out a statement—but he didn’t take it to the place we assumed he would. He got to “put out”, paused, made sure we noticed what he did, and then veered back to the racist rant.
