Swearing up and down that he wasn’t comparing the FBI’s Trump campaign probe to the killing of George Floyd, a black man who died at the hands of four police officers, Fox News commentator Sean Hannity did exactly that on Tuesday night as he tried to paint President Donald Trump as “a victim of crooked cops.”
When Donnie has been tased, beaten, and choked out, then I’ll listen to what he wants to cry about, but the FBI conducting a predicated investigation because Donnie’s people are in bed with extra-nationals attempting to influence our elections doesn’t even raise an eyebrow.
Shit, Hillary has a better case for being ‘treated very very badly’.
If there’s no systemic racism, then there’s no systemic deep state either.
If Christopher Wray had choked the life out of Trump I dare say there would have been damned little civil unrest. A great many parades and parties probably, but not too much protesting.
Wait Trump retweeting a wingnut cartoon showing the FBI kneeling on Trumps neck, while he screams “I can’t breath”… and then having wingnutsphere genuinely puzzled about the blowback…
I’m not comparing Hannity to dog vomit but both are disgusting, both are things you wish you never had to come into contact with. But again I’m not saying dog vomit and Hannity are the same or comparable.
And suddenly they find themselves on the wrong side of history, and can’t handle it. Anyone think Trump will solve this with a speech written by Stephen Miller? 2/
The speech could be hand-crafted for him and approved by the NAACP and BLM, but he’d still tweet something abhorrent within hours that made it pointless.
A Republican majority Intelligence Committee came to the conclusion much of what law enforcement investigated and alleged did need investigated and was in fact proven true. The Russians interfered in the 2016 election, specifically to assist Trump and damage Clinton. They issued a formal report saying so. Whenever some idiot goes off on “crooked cops” this is all conveniently goes unmentioned, especially by those reporting on unhinged rants by the likes of Hannity (ahem, TPM). If you’re going to report on this bullshit you should provide the critical context you have in your quiver to refute or balance out the reporting.
If I twisted and stretched that much I would throw out my back. I guess conservative spines have atrophied from
lack of use and no longer respond in the same way.