Hannity And Kellyanne Conway Giggle About Alleged Hatch Act Violations

Kellyanne Conway remains unbothered by accusations from the Office of Special Counsel that she repeatedly violated the Hatch Act in media interviews.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1235714

“Let me know when the jail sentence starts.”

I’ll be first in line, Kellyanne.


Darn, beat me to it.


As soon as we are done building the garrison at Bowling Green, we will.


Add Reform Hatch Act and its enforcement so that it isn’t toothless for egregious repeat violators to the Post-Trump To Do legislation list.


Doing my best Leona Helmsley impression ’ “We don’t obey the laws; only the little people obey them,”…with apologies for changing things up Leona…


Conway then suggested that she’s been targeted because she’s good at communicating his policies on TV.

What policies? When has she ever communicated a specific policy and the details of that policy?
And maybe that’s what CNN and other news outlets need to do, ask her about policy. Ask her to explain it, how they are going in implement it, and then defend it.
Quit asking her to explain Trump and what he said.


WHY NOT, nothing will be done, no one in any legislative body on the Hill wants to do a damn thing.





  1. a person who flouts the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively

  2. the present administration


We now have the precedent set that Hatch Act violations only apply to Democrats.


“Badges Laws? We don’t need no stinking badges laws.”

Paraphrased for the current mal-administration.

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She needs to find a good lawyer maybe Hubby can help.

contempt: noun: 1a : the act of despising : the state of mind of one who despises : disdain glared at him in contempt b : lack of respect or reverence for something acting with contempt for public safety 2 : the state of being despised 3 : willful disobedience to or open disrespect of a court, judge, or legislative body contempt of court


Golly, they’re just cute as the dickens. Which worries you more: people escaping from threats and dangerous living conditions or smug bastards who think the law doesn’t apply to them? I’d pick door number 2.

And where did that picture come from? She looks as though it hurts to wink.

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Spectacular example of Fox “News” in all it’s rhetorical glory.

Conway: “All I said was [ talking point against Democrats that has nothing to do with what she’s accused of ] and they call that a violation of the Hatch Act?”

Hannity: “Let me stop you right there, Kelly. They hate you because they hate Freedom. It’s not Contempt of Congress if you don’t think it is.”


Conway: Haha, they say I broke the law using my government job to promote tRump’s businesses. Meanwhile, my husband says tRump broke the law in all aspects of his job as it relates to the Constitution. What’s a girl to do?

Your marriage or your sycophancy, Contwit.
One household income or two?

This is one sick lawless bitch.

She’s not just a one time offender of this Act. She’s a repeat offender, ignoring all legal instruction to quit doing what is so patently against the law.


That woman was not paying attention in her deal with the Devil. You’re supposed to get something worthwhile in exchange for the deal, Kellyanne–eternal youth, beauty, riches, power…


If “the only thing she’s ‘guilty’ of is being on President Trump’s team” and Trump’s team is a massive criminal operation, then drop the Hatch Act and indict her on multiple counts of conspiracy, aiding and abetting.


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She can giggle all the way to the federal pen.

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How can he be any kind of standard-bearer of ethics and propriety, speaking out against this pr*sident, and have nothing to say about your own wife’s lying, deceitfulness and lawlessness under that same Constitutional rubric? I don’t buy his high wire act either. Imo, its too bad Neil Katyal vouches for him in some ways by co-authoring op-eds together. Conway’s husband can’t have a reputation of honor when he has a marriage that based on screwing her in the evening and pretending she’s not screwing the rest of the country during the day, everyday of the week.