Fox News host Sean Hannity on Monday seized on the mass shooting at a Colorado supermarket to undermine protests last summer that raised a banner for racial justice.
This is the talking point of the people I used to play boardgames with on Monday nights, Christians all. The Capitol riot was the fault of Black Lives Matter.
So off I went. Life is too short to deal with that shit.
A shame that I now associate Christianity with terrorism. But that’s what it comes to.
A white guy goes to a shopping center in a white neighborhood and kills a bunch of white people, so, of course, Black Lives Matter is at the bottom of the shootings. Hannity has just gone full Sidney Powell. No reasonable person can believe him or his guest.
That’s your tip-off right there. The question you need to ask is this – which is more evil, being a white supremacist, or having morals so malleable that you’re willing to appeal to white supremacists just to get market share?
I know, but nobody has suggested sending mental health professionals unarmed into an active shooting. “Defund the police” was a giant unforced error people like Hannity are eager to exploit. .
Yes, it was. Unfortunately, there’s no bumper sticker slogan to not over-militarize the police and that not every response needs a police officer with a gun.
I can’t find enough disgust for this completely false if/then crap.
The police have NOT been defunded and yet they couldn’t prevent these 10 deaths including a police officer.
My comment is also a false if/then but is just as useful. Of course Hannity would say they need double the police which still would not have prevented this. BTW, all those cops and the guy is walked out…suspect had to be white.
Here’s the demographics of Boulder:
It hardly seems like some hot bed of radicalism. Far more hipster Subaru owners than bro dozer drivers.
The 5 largest ethnic groups in Boulder, CO are White (Non-Hispanic) (79.8%), White (Hispanic) (7.38%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (5.54%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.16%), and Other (Hispanic) (1.5%). NaNk% of the people in Boulder, CO speak a non-English language, and 93% are U.S. citizens.