A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1476703
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
FIRST picture ever of UKKO on the internet!
As a fat cat, he certainly deserves a seat on the Supreme Court.
Maximus Odious
screams jealous rage
daring to steal focus from
his own benighted self.
74 million Americans voted
for this guy to lead the nation.
Are we a great country or what?
SCOTUS will not bail him out.
And each morning I awake to the hope that the dotard will stroke out, saying “What’s that smell?” just before he face-plants into his morning bowl of Capt. Crunch.
Clarence is poison.
Karma is gonna do a nice job on the Sleazy Six.
Funny how the 2000 Rehnquist-Thomas SCOTUS was so eager to take up the political question of Bush v. Gore. The current Alito-Thomas court in the case of Smith v. Trump? Not so much, and both Rehnquist and Thomas should have recused themselves in 2000, just as Thomas once again has a conflict of interest two decades later:
As is tone of this article
He doesn’t eat Captain Crunch.
Grow Little Trumpy, Fatter, Fatter
Eat those six Big Macs on your platter…
Is there a vet in the house?
The arguments for or against showing tfg’s twitters continue. Thinking they should be seen and appreciated for the pure insanity. This was another part of tfg’s beautiful Christmas rant from CNN:
“World Leaders, both good and bad, but none of which are as evil and ‘sick’ as the THUGS we have inside our Country.” In a final slam at Biden and Smith, Trump wrote, “MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!”
Meanwhile, here’s Joe’s holiday message from CNN:
“This Christmas Eve, my wish for you and your family is that you take a few moments of quiet reflection and find that stillness that’s at the center of the Christmas story,” Biden wrote on X. “May you find peace in this silent night. And warmth from those surrounding you.”
The stupid never stops.
The lack of dissents seems key to me. No way do the libs fail to speak out if the fix were in.
GOP humor
A Republican congressional candidate expressed regret after posting an image of a Christmas tree decorated with ornaments showing Democrats in nooses.
The image shared by former West Virginia state lawmaker Derrick Evans, which was quickly deleted, showed tiny versions of politicians like President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Barack Obama, and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., hanging from nooses. A Trump ornament looks on and appears to be approving the hangings with his hand raised.
And a coward of course
After his post to X was screenshot and received backlash, Evans claimed it wasn’t his tree and the image of the president hanging by a noose wasn’t the best way to celebrate Christmas.
“Not my tree. Not my ornaments. Not in good taste,” Evans wrote in a post. “NOT a call for violence. I shouldn’t have used a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus for anything political (good taste or poor taste). Let’s go celebrate this time with our families in love and peace.”
Every other adult in the nation is as batshit crazy as Trump…