Haley Loses To Trump In Home State Of South Carolina - TPM – Talking Points Memo

She’ll likely receive an offer she can’t refuse. As long as she stays in the race the longer Trump has to campaign against her which means spend money.


Must be the lighting, but he looks oranger than usual.

Yesterday, TFG couldn’t remember his wife’s name. Called her “Mercedes”. Today he got it right, but he had to read it off the teleprompter. In fact, thanked family for support and read all their names.

Video of him calling her Mercedes


OT but…



DeSantis has 542 votes at this point.


My point is that the enthusiasm gap is huge. A very large percentage of Republicans don’t want Donald Trump! My guess is that quite a few of them will stay home.


I have slightly more hope of Texas turning blue this presidential cycle than I do for Florida returning to it. Longer-term? It’s no contest. Texas is booming with the Youngs and it’s a great place for jobs and relatively affordable lives. Florida is trashing its higher and lower education, and its jobs are pretty shit. My Florida cousin moved to Colorado after college.


And that is why I sent it to you. The author points that out. As you have said, demographics is destiny.


Rather die than vote for a Democrat.

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Wow, that wasn’t like a mumble or fishing or with any awareness that he got it wrong. He just flat out, with confidence, said the wrong name. You’d think the puzzled looks of the audience would have clued him in, geez.


Trump’s semantic paraphasia is getting worse by the week. A Haley/Father Time ticket could still win.

She should take the fact that his lead narrowed from 30% a few weeks ago to 19% now (with 40% of the votes in) as a sign that she is closing the gap. Now, whether she will stay or or fold is anyone’s guess – it takes courage to resist a mob boss.


Ha, bet you that’s her “working” name, you know when he first had her


If she was smart, which I still have not seen any proof of that, she would abstain of endorsing Trump. Like Stalin, Trump has a lock in the party, but like old Joe when he dies, everybody is going to try to put distance from him, and Trump is going to die pretty soon. That is the card Lynn Cheney has been playing, and that is the boat Christy has been trying to get into, DiSantis as well.


Perfectly understandable, they probably have not had sex since she got pregnant of Barron.


Th rats jumping back on the sinking ship?

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That was a great read about something I didn’t care about until I read it. A quick but deep dig into demographic data with good analysis too.


Makes me so sad.

I’ve been going to Florida all my life since I was a wee one in the mid '60s.

Lived in the Keys late 80s early 90s, Lawton Chiles was Gov., It was great then. Mainland was getting crowded with lots of Yanks moving down, Mega Churches sprouting up, places like the Villages just getting rolling. In the Keys, we had none of that shit, but we did have a noticeable increase in rich white dudes from Michigan and other Northern zones moving down buying property, businesses and boats.
I left in '93, went back for in bit in '96 and then became just a visitor again. I keep up and have friends in at least 6 different geographic areas across the state. Been to them all…

Blows my mind what has become of the beautiful state of Florida and what it has turned into. Way over crowded, floors me how infrastructure like sewer districts, garbage/waste doesn’t overwhelm everything. There’s just way too much stress on the environment. If I didn’t have so many loved ones down there, I’d wish the big one would come along and clear the decks.


I saw the play below linked below.

I remember distinctly just a couple of things.

Irving Berlin supposedly never learned to transpose music, so much so that he had a gaffed upright piano that allowed him to throw a lever that moved the mechanism within so that he could play in C and hear in the appropriate key. Basically an internal capo. [Perhaps it’s apocryphal.]

Upon Scott Joplin’s death, his obituary said that he had been suffering from “mental problems” in his later years. The character reading the newspaper lower it and said, “Syphilis. ‘Mental problems’ is what they say when someone has syphilis.” [Wikipedia seems to concur.]

It was just a play. An entertaining evening of theater. I certainly don’t take it as gospel.
But I also don’t wonder why I am sharing it with you…

[Edited to correct typo.]


If Haley continues to get more than 40% of the vote,

She’s at 40% about 12 minutes ago.

You’re right, this is good news.

ETA: 50% counted.


Maybe she is hoping he strokes out before the Convention, and she is last man standing, so to speak.


Excellent descriptor—that is exactly what he is to them. And he doesn’t forgive their sins; he amplifies them and glories in them.