Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), 87, on Tuesday learned that he had been “exposed to the coronavirus” and will “immediately quarantine” as he awaits his test results.
DiFi was running around the corridors without a mask on this morning, too. I like DiFi. I’ve voted for her (when I lived in CA) and I remember her courage in dealing with the Harvey Milk shooting. But it’s time for her and Grassley to retire.
Chuck’s up in 2022. I have not heard anything on whether he intends to retire, probably because he doesn’t. DiFi isn’t up again until 2024. I expect she’ll bow out if she makes it that far.
There are very few elderly that I would wish this disease to strike. I hope Grassley doesn’t get it. Yeah, he’s old and can be quite cantankerous, but there is a slight charm to that irascibility.
Some of you may have noticed that I can “occasionally” be a tad irascible. I guess I can’t help it if I find a little joy and a strange affirmation, maybe along with some schadenfreude, when Chuck gets his dander up a bit. So I wish him well.
I swear I have never screamed “GET OFF MY LAWN!” at any of the neighborhood kids.
If you look at it another way…67 Senators are needed to convict an impeached presidon’t, so if Trumplethinskin and Ajax the Ignorable continue their shtick, they might make the presidon’t numerically conviction-proof in the Senate.