Graham: Trump’s An ‘Equal Opportunity Abuser’ | Talking Points Memo

Graham suffers from his ASS.

Abused Spouse Syndrome.


I’ve been thinking of the words for Graham’s theme song:
“I sold my soul for a Senate Seat
Oh Yeah.”

The more firmly he attaches himself to Trump, the more he guarantees his own downfall. Can’t he see that?

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Lindsey Graham insists on proving over and over and over and over again that he had no moral core whatsoever.


Normally mothers (resp. wives) use the word handful when describing their kids (resp. husbands).

What’s up with that?

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Shorter version:


Remembering that along with John McCain, Lindsey Graham was the biggest supporter of Bush Jr. Iraq War in congress, the only way Graham could ever be a supporter of Donald “George W Bush lied America into a Iraq” (2/13/2016 on national TV) is if foreign policy and security have nothing to do with whom Graham supports.

That is if one looks at Graham’s political career including the impeachment of Bill Clinton and his support for Donald Trump, Graham only principle is power and he will get in the mud with the most deplorable of people if he thinks it will help him personally regardless of what it does to America.

You will know I am right when Graham supports the despicable and disastrous Trump policy in Syria.


From an description of “Battered woman syndrome”, (Intimate partner violence (battered woman syndrome): How to get help)

The person may also behave in ways that can be difficult for someone outside the relationship to understand.
These include:

  • refusing to leave the relationship
  • believing that the abuser is powerful or knows everything
  • idealizing the person who carried out the abuse when things are calm
  • believing they deserve the abuse

Does this tell me more about Lady Lindsey or South Carolina?


"“I find him to be an equal opportunity abuser of people, but at the end of the day he can be very charming and be very gracious,””

Lindsay fails to see the pattern for what it is.

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When the Republican party – soon to be renamed the Monarchist party – assumes total control of Washington, Lindsay will have cemented his role as the Jester. Abuse, as Sylvia Fine pointed out, is central to the job:

When I fell overboard, how his majesty roared,
And before a siesta, he made me his jester.
And I found out soon that to be a buffoon
Was a serious thing as a rule
For a jester’s chief employment
Is to kill himself for your enjoyment
And a jester unemployed is nobody’s fool.


Lindsey loves to blow smoke up our arses. Lindsey, are you telling us all that Trump trashes Republicans “equally” as he does Democrats? C’mon man… you are circling the drain.

I had Ben meaning to say something like that…

What the world needs now, is love, sweet love;
That’s the only thing that there’s just too little of…

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Graham: Trump’s An ‘Equal Opportunity Abuser’

It appears that Graham is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

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Thanks for the earworms.

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And today’s word is “kompramat” boys and girls.

Exactly. Any therapist could tell you that Graham uses the language of an abused spouse or family member. He makes excuses for bad behavior and disregards the toxic effects of that behavior on others - in this case on the rest of the world.

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Obviously, Graham is lying about this. He’s deliberately tuning a blind eye to the horrific conduct because trump has some leverage over him. He is a hostage and is making brave excuses, but the excuses don’t make sense.

Someday there will be a terrible reckoning.

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All you need is love, man. A little afternoon delight should perk you up. C’mon, get happy!

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