The Senate Intelligence Committee is going to call the whistleblower whose complaint sparked the impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump to testify, according to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
Maybe the appropriate committees should first investigate what the whistleblower reported and whether the complaint was verified. Then, when they realize that the allegations were proven, they can announce that to the world.
tRump commits the crime, but with these idiots it’s all about who reported the crime or who was the target of the crime. Nothing about the crime committer.
Wouldn’t this be against the law? They’d have to depose the person in camera, at least, and protect their anonymity. But as usual, laws don’t apply to Republicans.
Incontinent Chihuahua suffers gastric distress after eating a burrito.
(Meanwhile, anyone having erratic redirect errors? Noticed this on one article yesterday. Today, moving from this article to hive failed for the same reason. Other articles no problem.)
You lazy a$$, revenge filled POS. You Trump suckin’ filth. We are supposed to protect the PEOPLE of this country. THAT is your job not distracting and deflecting and screwing up your face to ‘out’ everyone in the name of DONALD J. TRUMP. You are garbage Lindsey Graham. Pure trash.
Did any of you see that awesome 3-season series Fortitude? I’m starting to wonder if there aren’t some prehistoric, parasitic wasps skulking about in the Senate chambers.
It would account for much of the aberrant behavior we’re seeing.