Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) haphazardly and baselessly griped to Fox News anchor Sean Hannity on Monday night that Democrats are incapable of winning elections unless they “cheat” — a rich assertion amid President Trump’s refusal to concede his loss to President-elect Joe Biden as Trump continues waging bogus claims of election fraud.
I’m perplexed Graham’s sanity and state of mind are not subjects of discussion in the media. Over the last few years he’s been unhinged to a degree that is genuinely troubling.
It’s foolish to challenge Graham on this one. Clearly, limiting voter suppression, and allowing every legal voter to vote, and actually counting those votes, is the worst form of cheating that results in lost elections for Repubs.
So, what Graham is basically saying is that GOPers lose elections because Democrats, via mail in ballots, have found a way to work around GOP voter suppression, which is the REAL cheating.
Graham’s argument is vaguely similar to the racist trope that ‘you are intolerant because you won’t tolerate my intolerance.’
That folks…is why America is going to miss out on its promise. SC re-elected that. That’s what the people of that state want in government. And we’re all stuck with it. He’ll do nothing but make sure nothing gets done and this damn sure aint the time for doing nothing. But that’s what were going to get. Nothing but this assholes pissy mouth.
What he’s saying is just en vogue political yak on the right. We’re going to hear it until it wears itself out like “death panels” or “born in Kenya”. If the GOP is so tough…such a wad of bad asses then why are the pitiful snowflakes cheating them out of elections?
My grandmother used to say there’s a few things you can say to eliminate all doubt you’re a provincial person ( She was as English as the Queen ) one was “I could care less” and the other “irregardless” .