Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Lindsey Graham (R-SC) conceded on Wednesday that he believed Democrats had a “good chance of winning the White House” as President Donald Trump’s likelihood of victory continues to dwindle according to recent polling data from multiple sources across a number of battleground states.
Welp, if Jaime Harrison is able to get Miss Lindsey unseated, he’ll then have plenty of time to play golf with the Orange Shitgibbon. Until the latter’s incarceration, that is…
McSally said: “I’m proud to be fighting for Arizona every single day, putting legislation on President Trump’s desk.
What legislation have the Senate Republicans put on Trump’s desk? Nothing the House passes gets moved on in the Senate. Mitch refuses to do anything except confirm judges.
Which is hilarious because Uncle Joe is about the furthest thing from radical, but the FOX mouthbreathers probably believe it.
Now, I’d LOVE for Joe to pull an LBJ in the first two years-then they can say he’s “radical”.
Jamie Harrison has higher standards. He would not get on the same golf course, much less play with Donnie. Donnie would probably hand him his bag, and expect him to carry it.
Don’t believe him. Not for a second. In NC they’re piling votes from AA communities into a “pending “ file. Anyone think that isn’t happening in red states across the country?
"And he’s going to be your president because some people don’t love me, maybe.”
Such a toddler…It’s really not about how much Americans “love” you, asshole.
It’s how much you respect and care about the American people and our democracy, because if you show honest respect and caring, the populace will respond in kind.
JFC!!! Don’t slack off. I hear a warning come from all the ‘ouch, ouch! I give up’ screaming. Now is the timem to put the choke hold on them and hold it for longer than 15 seconds. Don’t slack off!