Graham Complains McConnell ‘Put Load On GOPers’ Back’ Ahead Of Midterms | Talking Points Memo

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Sunday took aim at Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for scolding former President Trump for inciting the mob behind the deadly Capitol insurrection last month — despite McConnell’s vote against convicting Trump — because Graham believes that the Senate minority leader just placed a burden on the GOP heading into the midterms next year.

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McConnell threw a load on Lindsey’s back? My God, that is pornographic!


Breaking News:
Lindsey moves to Mar a Logo to be Trump’s caddy and boy toy.


“Graham considers McConnell’s speech an “outlier” in terms of the GOP’s views in general about Trump’s second impeachment.”

So he spoke with a forked tongue ? Said Trump was a bastard but still voted to acquit?


So he barely got re-elected by channeling Trump and now he’s following the Donald around like a lovesick puppy. Note: lovesick puppies are very fond of sniffing the asses of the objects of their affection. I suspect that Graham is loving this part.


“Graham claimed that although the former president is upset with several Republicans, Trump is ‘excited about 2022’ and plans to help the GOP in next year’s midterm elections.”


“Please proceed, twice-impeached, 23%-approval-rating, insurrection-inciting, Individual 1!”


Yep. Lindsay turns on Mitch at his Daddy’s orders.


Lindsey must of got a text of those incriminating photos as a reminder.


I know this has been said before but here it is again, Lindsey Graham is a waste of space and shouldn’t be allowed to use the oxygen other people and animals need to survive.


Graham considers McConnell’s speech an “outlier”

Naturally. His speech is an outlier like eating an entire pizza and then drinking a Diet Coke and feeling like you are keeping a healthy lifestyle.

McConnell tried to suggest they are a party of the Constitution, calling out right and wrong while giving Trump a free pass.

It is pure, liquid bullshit.

Graham is right, this is an outlier. The true Republican Party in word and deed is the party of facism and permanent minority rule.


Own it, Chickenhawk. You’ve been one of the worst enablers of this despot. Now you can reap.

You’re both cowards. One of you spoke the truth.


Hey, li’l lindsey, all moscow mitch did was correctly identify the load that your current ‘manly’ host put on the cult’s back. But just keep pointing the finger and placing the blame elsewhere. I’m sure your current host appreciates your loyalty. And frankly, as much as you want to be a cool member of the cult they’re really not that into you (nobody is).


Exactly !
“Naturally. His speech is an outlier like eating an entire pizza and then drinking a Diet Coke and feeling like you are keeping a healthy lifestyle.”


Trump is “excited about 2022” and plans to help the GOP in next year’s midterm elections.

We’re going to walk on down to the Capitol building. I’ll be there with you.


Somehow I doubt that FatAss will actually get off said Ass for anyone that is not himself. And for cryin’ out loud, isn’t there anyone besides goddamn Lindsay Graham to go on these stupid shows?


No point really in reading about them or wasting valuable time needed to defeat every last one of these fascists.


Yes… the TRUTH can be a very heavy weight if it is something that you are seeking to avoid carrying.


What doesn’t Graham complain about in that irritating and histrionic southern drawl of his?


‘How dare he tell the truth!’

I rarely have anything good to say about McConnell (almost never, really) and, even though his vote to acquit Trump was about as slimy as you would expect from him, I think he did the right thing by making that speech afterword. If you watch it, you’ll see that McConnell left no doubt that he thought Trump was guilty as hell of causing the riot on January 6. McConnell really came off as someone who thought Trump should be prosecuted criminally and, perhaps, go to jail.

After McConnell’s speech, I really don’t think anyone could interpret the Senate acquittal as a vote of “not guilty.” You can argue that McConnell was disingenuous about refusing to call the Senate in session to remove Trump while he was still President, but no one can say that McConnell claimed Trump wasn’t guilty so I don’t think the Senate vote yesterday will help Trump as he faces his many impending criminal cases over the next few months (or years).


This vapid closet case broke himself off the human centipede segment he willingly joined to complain about what now?