Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took to “Fox and Friends” Thursday morning to gripe that he “can’t explain” what makes Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensberger — who accused the South Carolina Republican of pressuring him to toss out legally cast ballots — “tick.”
People are quirky, Linds, go figger 'em, right? You get the big burly biker-looking dude who collects Hummel figurines, you get the little old lady who loves anime, you get the Georgia secretaries of state who accuse you of blatant election tampering during a call monitored by other staff members, people are strange, what can you say?
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took to “Fox and Friends” Thursday morning to gripe that he “can’t explain” what makes Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensberger — who accused the South Carolina Republican of pressuring him to toss out legally cast ballots — “tick.”
What makes Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensberger “tick”? I’ll tell you, Lindsey. He still has a modicum of a conscience and morality. It’s something that you can no longer comprehend.
Perhaps Raffensburger is that rare conservative, though I’d never agree with his policies, at least isn’t firmly attached to and suckling at Trump’s man tits.
Kayleigh ranting about “Democrat” voting perfidy as we speak. Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel by her side (masked thank you Ronna you butthead.) Poll watchers were far away in the dark! Bad Philadelphia! Bad!
She’s clearly trying a do-over of Rudy’s disastrous attempt to make this crap fly, except she’s wise enough not to take it into a court.
Then the campaign GC and now Ronna. This is the same crap that’s been tossed out of more than two dozen courts. Despicable and pathetic. God damn you freaks to hell.
Reporters pushing back. Good on them.
Reporters just not having it. And scene.
I predict very little coverage for this lie-fest, since this sludge was introduced to the public conversation literally dozens of times since even before the election. Remarkable how these people can conduct an attempted theft of a presidential election in a way that’s SO BO-RING.
Interesting word choice, usually uttered by those who end up resigning within weeks.
I’m not saying that’ll happen with Lindsey. I’m just saying it’s an interesting word choice, usually uttered by those who end up resigning within weeks.
It seems to be integrity and intellectual honesty, Lindsey, character traits you either had surgically removed or never had at all.
There are witnesses, Dweeb.If law enforcement were still functional in this Country, it would take a Grand Jury maybe 10 minutes to hand down an indictment.
Have a nice day, you sniveling sorry excuse for human being.
Some people just wind up in slots in which their inadequacies can be played up as idealized traits. Generally this takes place in extremely isolated venues.
what makes Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensberger — who accused the South Carolina Republican of pressuring him to toss out legally cast ballots — “tick.”