The American Federation of Government Employees filed a lawsuit against the Office of Special Counsel on Tuesday for banning the words “the resistance” and “#resist” when discussing President Donald Trump, as well as any advocacy around impeachment.
So POTUS and KAC can openly campaign on the White House grounds, and that’s not a Hatch violation, but rank and file can’t exercise their free speech at lunch? Hmm.
“The OSC also concluded that advocacy for or against impeachment of President Trump would violate the Hatch Act.”
So when are all the Federal employees in the White House going to be charged under the Hatch Act. Particularly the entire Communications Team and Kellyanne Conway.
Does the Trump administration even dares to invoke the Hatch Act? The courts should require that Kallyanne and others being fired before even mention it.
Hmm. So OSC is concerned with violations of the Hatch Act? I wonder what they have to say about der Hamberdlar campaigning on the taxpayer’s dime (which he is doing at this very moment in Pennsylvania)?
The Hatch Act was written to prevent politicians from using government employees to work on campaigns.
The purpose was not to keep employees from expressing political opinions. Though, legally, it’s a a fairly complicated question.
But as to the question of impeachment: that should be a slam-dunk. Advocating impeachment isn’t remotely similar to working on a campaign. The fact that a topic is political doesn’t mean that discussing it constitutes campaign work. Are we not allowed to discussing public works projects? Bridge-building? No - the Hatch Act is specifically about working on campaigns. Or, at a minimum, supporting campaigns.
Meanwhile, KellyAnne laughs about how many times she’s violated the Hatch Act.
As for #resist - I hope the Feds are just as strict (or loose) about that slogan as they are about MAGA.
First, the Hatch Act has hardly ever been enforced, and certainly not by this maladministration.
Second, using “resist” or “resistance” is not in itself political. For instance, stating that the ACLU has resisted many of Trump’s actions through lawsuits is not political. Nor is an observation that the maladministration’s attempts to restrict abortion rights, or to strip the environment of protection have faced widespread resistance.
Methinks they do protest too much, the snowflakes.
Me personally I’m fed up with “free speech for me but not for thee.” The ratwing has been playing this little game now for decades and I"m really sick of it.