NEW YORK (AP) — The government’s paycheck protection loan program for small businesses is on hold. The Small Business Administration said Thursday that it reached the $349 billion lending limit for the program.
They also don’t have to “tell” us the names of the firms. It’s so frustrating watching these reporters ask softball questions. Of course, Trump would say he knows ‘nothing’ about that … just like he had nothing to do with his signature on the checks.
So how much of this money went to actual small businesses and how much to large businesses that have cleverly structured their operations to make it seem like they’re a bunch of small businesses, each with 500 or fewer full-time, permanent employees but with way more part-time and/or temporary employees and contractors? There’s about a zero chance that this hasn’t been gamed and that Mnuchin hasn’t allowed this to happen. ZERO.
And on a similar note, there are indications that something’s seriously wrong with that $1200 stimulus payment process, with millions of eligible people being told that they’re not eligible or that the IRS can’t determine their eligibility despite having filed their returns and given their bank info (my situation), or being told that their payment was deposited but no actual deposit in their bank accounts, or being told that they’re eligible but the IRS doesn’t have their bank info even though it does (my parents’ situation).
I’m hoping that it’s due to all this being rushed and the IRS not being able to implement it properly in a timely manner, and not because they’re trying to delay or even avoid eligible payments, or force people to receive paper checks with Trump’s name on them, but my gut feeling is that it’s at least some of the latter, so vile is this man and his minions. For all we know they’re favoring people who are more likely to be GOP voters or who live in red areas. Is that a CT? Sure. Is it ridiculous? Sadly, no.
As Biden pointed out this morning on Morning Joe, it’s important to help businesses with less than 500 employees—but it may be more important to help real small businesses with 2,3 5, 10, or 20 employees, because those are the businesses that most people depend on.