Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) took to Twitter on Wednesday to announce his support for former President Donald Trump’s unhinged call to terminate parts of the Constitution and “rescind” the 2020 election.
Must be nice to never have to suffer electoral consequences for traitorous tendencies. I just don’t understand why he deletes his fascist and antisemitic tweets. It’s not like Musk is going to stop him.
“When President Trump says he wants to suspend the Constitution, he goes from being MAGA to being RINO,” said Romney.
Just when I was starting to feel a bit of warmth towards Mitt, he responds to Trump’s call to trash the constitution by reminding us that the worst thing in the world is a RINO.
If a member of Congress posts something to their official government twitter account, it should be set up that it can’t be deleted. It’s a government record, and should be preserved. Of course, he can post all sorts of cray cray crap on his personal account . . .
This cat is a barometer of the Trump hold on the GOP. Trump is weakening… but because of the 2 year (versus 6 year) cycle in the House, his menace is more apparent…
Right-wingers on social media were trying to convince me that President Trump just misspoke (the way President Biden does) and should not be taken literally.
So for 10 minutes Gosar tweet-preaches to his MAGA-loving crowd for their adoration, then gets another bite of the apple to delete the tweet and pretend it never happened.