Fringe right-wing national security commentator Sebastian Gorka is not only peddling election fraud falsehoods nowadays but also … food fit for a “patriot” to prep for the End Times.
Well, that’s how it goes when the obnoxious buffoonish fake is no longer president. All the lesser hangers-on, many of them obnoxious buffoonish fakes themselves, have to sink to their natural level selling snake oil to the rubes, just like their former boss. Personally I think when you’re eating Twenty. Five. Year. Old. Pancakes you’re in a living-will-envy-the-dead situation, but I don’t expect to find myself in that situation so it’s really no big.
O man this is so funny. hahahahahahaha Just scamming the shit out of the QAnoners and Trumpers. hahahahahahahaha Seb Gorka - cheap huckster. Always was. hahahahahaha
So when Gorka offers pancakes to dupes it’s cringe worthy and worthy of derisive scorn. But when Hunter Biden offers his paintings for half a million dollars to dupes, it’s respectable and not to be questioned. Got it.
“First of all, let me say I have never before endorsed a pain reliever.”
It would be so typical for a hawker of magic elixirs to have endorsed a long line of pain relievers. I guess it was early in Seb’s career as a shlockster. Selling end-times victuals puts him in direct competition with Jim Bakker. That sounds about right.
I will admit that this is somewhat amusing but we get snake oil man Seb Gorka and some stupid remarks from Bill Barr, today rather than a live thread on Pres. Biden’s important speech on voting rights. Seriously rethinking my prime subscription.