GOPers Won’t Tell Trump To Halt Fizzled Lawsuits Even On Eve Of Electors Sealing Biden’s Win | Talking Points Memo

Some Republicans on Sunday still refused to discourage President Trump from waging more of his fruitless lawsuits challenging election results, despite the Supreme Court’s rejection of Texas attorney general Ken Paxton’s (R) lawsuit suing four swing states that President-elect Joe Biden won and the Electoral College scheduled to make Biden’s victory official on Monday.

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The overweening cowardice is just appalling.


They see it as a twofer. Undermining Biden’s legitimacy is its own good.
They’re not cowards— they’re reprobates


They won’t stop him because they don’t want to.

They have declared war on democracy with or without Trump.

It’s still better than if Trump had actually won, but it shows how much farther we have to go.


Of course, it’s just a fundraising grift. But I’m still in awe of the rube stupidity, what do they think the end game is? Owned the libs because we overturned a 7M landslide?


Like all weasels, these reactionaries have blood on their paws, chins and in their mouths.
Treating them like they might have a disinterested, or higher, POV denies reality.


Do they honestly think 80,000,000 people will just idly sit by and do nothing?


Exactly. This is now shifting gears into de-legitimizing Biden’s administration more than supporting Trump.

Although it’s still good for Trump, because as long as enough R’s keep playing this game, he retains his iron grip on the GOP.


Cowardice with respect to Satan’s Avatar and the political sway he holds over the latest version of the GOP base? Perhaps likely. But the GOP has now gone out of their way to demonstrate that they are a party of seditionists; they’ve even signed on the dotted line to support their seditious acts. I find that especially troubling for the long term.


Total cowardice, they have an empty hand and 2 options. Follow someone who in actuality lost the election or man up and figure out how to be responsible and help take the country out of this covid disaster.

Ya know what sucks? They will be re-elected.


Overrated. It’s performance art for their supporters, they didn’t actually sign up with any balls to actually follow through on anything. Just like they’ve been playing footsies with abortion rights for 50 years but never quite killing off the cash cow.


So, what shenanigans do you think the Trump electors will pull tomorrow? I’m guessing a bunch will withhold their votes because “the election was rigged.” Maybe thinking that not having a full 538 votes in the EC will cause the Supreme Court to nullify the election or something.

And then they’ll want to have another EC vote sometime later, once they realize that it will only mean that Biden gets 306 votes and Trump only 30 or whatever.


If they’re really clever, they’ll all vote for Biden, which will serve as proof of the rigged and stolen election that Trump has been whining about.

Unfortunately for Trump, they’re not very clever.


I’m all for not seating these fux in the upcoming congressional session. They’re all from gerrymandered seats or seats that were won through illegal voter suppression.


I certainly hope so. There are a lot of bozos who have bought into that performance as real. 23 arrests yesterday in DC. Previous plans to attempt and kill the governor of Michigan. I could go on. There are extremists, but it only takes a handful to do great damage, e.g. McVeigh. I do not take even the pretense of sedition lightly.


They could care less. They’re fundraising off this. The lawsuits are paid for by the Maga idiots sending money to Trump. The majority of them don’t believe in Democracy. It would be entirely out of character if they did tell Trump to halt the lawsuits.


Some Republicans on Sunday still refused to discourage President Trump from waging more of his fruitless lawsuits challenging election results…

Refuse to discourage?!?

Shit, the last I heard, they were still encouraging him.


he made the best speech of his life respecting the result, which is what I hope the president will do if the electors vote for Joe Biden on Monday

Yeah, that’s gonna happen. After all, bein’ classy is Cockholster’s stock-in-trade.


Ah yes the old “Is it true when you say no you really mean yes?” conundrum but in ballot flipping form!

“Remember Alf? He’s back in Pog form!”
-Milhouse Van Houten


And the world kept turning. Hate to sound blase about it, I’m really not, but there’s nothing existential at risk here for the nation. Will there be nutcases doing stupid shit? Sure. But we’re a big and resilient nation, and you’re still way more likely to die in a car accident than a terrorist attack.