GOPers Repeat Calls For Biden Testimony As Dems Debunk Conspiracy Theories | Talking Points Memo

A focus by House impeachment managers on debunking the Ukraine conspiracy theories President Trump has pushed collided this week with a growing push by Senate Republicans to call witnesses like Joe Biden, ostensibly to litigate those very theories.

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This will go very much like the proverbial dog that chases the car.

What happens once the dog catches the car?


Here, fishie fishie fishie…


No, the Bidens aren’t relevant to the question of if Trump tried to interfere in the 2020 election and why he held Ukrainian aid illegally. They know nothing about that, and if the president’s attorneys want to argue about corruption in Ukraine then they should be addressing working with people like Lutsenko and Firtash long before worrying about Hunter Biden sitting on a board.

This is why the president’s counsel will not present a long, involved case…they have none, and they don’t want to state lies about the Bidens or House investigation for too long. And, if they really get the Bidens on the stand, Schiff will completely eviscerate their case and show it for the sham it is. It’s just a distraction from Trump’s illegal and immoral behavior, and it’s really the only way they can hope to get this over on America.


Prefer him as a candidate or not, Biden should agree to testify and turn it into a giant campaign commerical, while simultaneously telling the house managers on team Trump to go screw themselves. It could win him the election.



“A couple of years ago, we didn’t have a new president of Ukraine that ran on an anti-corruption platform,” he said. “So now there’s perhaps an opportunity that there wasn’t prior to that election.”


And this
Me Likey
Dems finally a gun to a gun fight
Trash the LIBRUL MEDIA Republicans ?


When asked why it took Republicans years to question Biden’s supposed corruption in Ukraine, if it was so obviously troubling years ago, Cramer pointed to the new leadership in Ukraine.

Would that the Republicans were 1/10 as interested in the corruption of the Trump maladministration as they seem to be obsessed with Ukraine’s alleged “corruption.”


“Here’s the thing you have to understand about Ted Cruz. I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.” – then U.S. Senator Al Franken


Sunlight is the most powerful disinfectant! The Managers shouldn’t be afraid of allowing Trumps legal goons to call anyone, including the Bidens. Anything to open the door to witnesses. Faux Nooz and Breitbart and all will continue to use Burisma references throughout the campaign to much greater effect if the Dems keep refusing to allow their testimony.




Go ahead. Make a rule: GOP can call whoever they want as witness, matched by Dem calling whoever they want as witness.


Sadly, it’ll work. Whataboutism seems to be a real phenomenon. It’s grievance politics which appeals to Midwestern/Southern white “working class” voters who see themselves as “victims.” They are “victims” who are impoverished, not because of their own failures and shortcomings, but because of "The blacks,’ “Muslims and Illegals, and Dem.”

That’s why they identify with Trump. They see themselves in him. And he gives them permission to “blame the other” (shout out to Tool)


I binge watched all the classic Simpsons episodes from the late 90’s…The Conan O’Brien written episodes are my favorites. That and “Homer at the Bat” of course.


These people are morons. Joe and Hunter would both eat Pat Cipollone and Jay Sekulow’s lunch. Do it! Do it, you feckless morons! And call Adam Schiff too, while you’re at it.


That’s what I say. Call em, I dare you! I fucking double dare you - call all 3.


WaPo (it’s in the TPM story)

“He should call the bluff. Trump is a bully and he needs to stand up to him,” said Stephen Delgado, a 70-year-old retiree from Surprise, Ariz., who drove to Iowa to see the candidates. “Democrats have to stop all this ‘When they go low, we go high.’ This is a street fight.”

Nope/ that is a very bad idea.

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Salient Movie Quote: “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”

They got nothing to defend Trump with, so they fall back on two Truisms of America;

  1. If you can’t dazzle them with Brilliance, Baffle them with BullShit.
  2. Americans, generally, taken as a group, are lazy and stupid and WANT to be lied to, because it’s so much easier than actually thinking.
    (Don’t believe me? Just look at the most popular shows on Prime Time TV.)



If the Senate GOPers want Biden to testify, they have a majority and can subpoena him to appear.


I think Joe should stand up in front of the Senate and claim Executive Privilege with a massive grin. Then Hunter should do the same and watch all of the Ivanka fans tie themselves in knots.