“Say, you busy this weekend? Because we’re going to have kind of a sexual get together,” which is totally a plausible way that people invite other people to orgies. But seriously folks, something tells me this boy is rapidly wearing out his welcome there in the Village.
The worst part was when he saw Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner in the closet making babies and he saw one of the babies and then the baby looked at him.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is reportedly planning to sit down with Cawthorn to talk about his wild allegations against his colleagues, according to Politico.
Thanks for the first laugh/snort of the day. Qevin, you will never be Speaker.
Just the other day M Cawthorn revealed Newt Gingrich as his new mentor. Next he reveals being invited to sex and drug parties. I’m claiming these are connected.
Didn’t Matt Gaetz say that if the Goopers take control of the House, that he’ll nominate TFG for Speaker? Really doesn’t say much for Kevin’s “leadership”. Is there NO ONE in the Gooper caucus who has the gravitas to tell the junior members to SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP? (sorry for the rhetorical question.)
Drugs, sex, perversions get seared into your conservative, dick-based heads with southern stonewashed brains and there is no going back. This explains how Moscow Mitch has the unwavering conservative support and bottomless loyalty he does.
I bet Maddy Caw is too scared and won’t share. He should take the dare if he has any cojones.
Doesn’t TPM have an annual award for idiocy in Congress? I have forgotten who the award is named for but I am sure it exists. Seems to me that young Master Cawthorn has the award sewed up already.