GOPer Trying To Delete Trump’s Jan. 6 Impeachment


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I think it was "a thing’ in the late 1800s and esp. early 1900s.
Usually with amazing, daredevil, scantily clad girls astride the hero horse.
Diving into a pool prob. only 10-15 ft. deep


A distant uncle made a decent living doing that from 1900s to 1940s. Mostly in south america. I guess they had simpler tastes.



If he’d actually owned that Iraq was a boneheaded disaster, I might have called off my plan to piss on his grave.


Right there with you. There would have been no Trump were it not for Bush.

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seems to be effective illumination to the producers at ABC, CBS, and NBC

Like the fake Chinese spy who penetrated the property to cover the tracks of the real Chinese spies. tch tch

if you want to picture McConnell naked and humping, go ahead…

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After a review like that, I bet the hiring committee for the GOP is going to look into this young go-getter if Rittenhouse continues to bring their coffee in cold.

It doesn’t matter. Convenience tops everything. I know many liberals who use Amazon.

When I neeeeed you
I just close my eyes and I touch you
without your consent
don’t care much you
try and
push me

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So the guy who ostensibly got into the electric car business as a means to combat climate change is going to support the party that denies it? Fuck this asshole. I’m never buying one of his vehicles. I hope any Dem that currently owns one will dump it.


Mount Stupid?

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Then you haven’t watched Arrested Development. It’s on Netflix. Do yourself a favor.

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Unfortunately, I agree. Unfortunately in the sense that, had not conservatives pissed away decades, we might have had better chances to turn the environmental cascade around. I’m not sure our production can expand logarithmically to counter the logrithmic deterioration of the environment.

I’m with you on that. I bought a Chevy Volt in 2012 when the technology was new. It wasn’t a great car but I wanted to encourage others to try them out. The batteries are much better now and Ford is doing pretty well as are other manufacturers. I’ll try agan in a few more years but whatever I buy will not be a Tesla.

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ETA: ooooh, haha…yeah, just went back and saw the typo lol…fixed…

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