The answer is pretty clear, the Repugs want to discourage future whistle blowers by showing that law, or no law they will root out and punish any whistle-blower who crosses them. This is right out of a mob handbook.
I could give him a pass if he had said “but,” but “because”? What an asshole.
“Our committee has subpoenaed them,” Maloney said. “Will you join me in calling on the State Department to produce the evidence?”
“You bet, because I don’t think there’s anything there at all that is going to implicate the President,” Stewart replied.
I hate this. I hate that this is the quality of reasoning that is usually deployed by people who speak in public.
He should support the subpoena because it’s the law, not because he likes the anticipated result.
Also: what fucking rock has Stewart been living under for the last 3 years, that he thinks Trump is anything but completely immersed in whatever criminality is coming to light? When it comes to Trump, we probably won’t even be able to trust his headstone.
He attached a bullshit caveat to the State Department compliance, the Ds should subpoena the WB. That is a no go.
“You bet, because I don’t think there’s anything there at all that is going to implicate the President,” Stewart replied.
…“And he’s the bravest, finest, most religious men I know. A shining example for our youth of how to conduct oneself. Nothing can implicate him,nothing.”
Wouldn’t say it’s one of my favorite subjects, it’s horrid and distasteful that these fuckers are still getting away with pretty darned clear guilt… “couldn’t be me because I couldn’t sweat at that time… oh, but now I do sweat, so that condition cleared up…” like seriously WTF.
Not if the Spawn have anything to do with writing it.
I prefer the term “Trump larvae”.
They want to hear from him because they know they wont. It is just a talkining point. I wish the person would out him, herself, but I dont blame him or her if him or she doesnt.
I don’t. If they do then the Republicans will only start demanding another ridiculous thing. You really can’t satisfy them; you can only stand firm.
He knows it will not be released on his say so, so ge can be for and against Trump at the same time.
he’d officially call on the State Department to comply with impeachment investigators’ subpoenas if Democrats subpoena the whistleblower
And we’ll subpoena the whistleblower if Trump and Pence resign concurrently without pardons.
You have a point.
Why does the GOP want to punish the whistleblower for telling the truth?
I’m going to venture out on that limb and say it might have something to do with telling the truth. That’s a mortal sin in GOP orthodoxy.
Ummmm, what’s that called? I think there’s a Latin term for it, isn’t there?
And make financial restitution for the pain and suffering 3/4 of the population has had to put up with.
Would it be that phrase that every Republican says it’s a normal thing to do?
It’s a sin if one tells inconvenient truths about the Republicans. Truth about Democrats, and lies, for that matter, are music to Republican ears that are meant to be replayed on loud speakers 24/7/365.