GOP Sure Is Acting Like The Dog That Caught The Car - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Well, an icon of a :poodle:, but the picture is a cat.
Bonus points for the cat in a bird bath??
Bark meow whistle


Which “strange and mysterious” … “actions of God” will delight the cultists the most…

  • the first young mother of two who dies because she is prohibited from obtaining any form of medical intervention to halt an ectopic pregnancy… and they can all whisper …
    " ah… God’s will…"

  • the first 13 year old brutal rape victim forced to give birth to their rapist’s offspring … where the delivery is so physically traumatic to this child that she is rendered incapable of having future children… and again they whisper “Ah… mysterious ways indeed! … isn’t it marvelous!”


This was always a grift designed to put money in Trump’s pocket. The social media site was just another in a long line of vehicles to do that. It’s a cinch half of his $108 million inaugural committee haul went into his pockets and those of grifting subcontractors. I’ve read as much as several hundred million in Truth Social start up monies might have been diverted to Trump accounts, never to be seen again.


Heather Cox Richardson is another must- read for historical perspective. This section was especially enlightening:

But there was a power play in this argument. By the time Jackson was elected president in 1828, white southerners already knew they were badly outnumbered in the nation as a whole. In that year, quite dramatically, a congressional fight over tariffs ended up with a strong bill that hurt the South in favor of northern manufacturing. Outraged, southern leaders with Vice President John C. Calhoun of South Carolina at their head claimed the right to “nullify” federal laws. (Jackson later said that one of the two regrets he had at the end of his term was that he “was unable to…hang John C. Calhoun.”)


No doubt the court will soon green light this…


Ha! So it is. I swear I saw a dog there. Cat, it is, and you still win. :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s been noted by more than a few folks already.

That said,
If the President leads on this, calls for action on fixing the stolen court it can unite the party.

…oh right. Nevermind. That’s already been ruled out

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AND Blame the Democrats.


He’s absolutely correct and articulates why this decision is even more egregious and unprecedented.


Not sure where I read it, but he was using one of his griftin’ spac to pay $38,000 rent for empty office space and other stuff, amounting to $1.3 mil.


Low level bureaucrat here. Since this inhumane verdict came down, after the shock wore off, it occurred to me that there is a HUGE difference between signing a piece of paper with smug flourish (passing a law) and implementing that law (creating policy). Enforcing these medieval bans will require complex relationships between Health and Human Services agencies, state and local governments, armies of bureaucrats working with (in many cases hostile) medical and legal frameworks, to say nothing of the sand that the Feds can kick in the gears of these ridiculous schemes. They can close clinics, and that’s a tragedy, but these laws, in many instances, may be unenforceable via policy prescriptions. Add the fact that most of these forced birth states despise the Administrative State and, welp - my guess is that banning abortion is not going to be as easy as they’re assuming. Trying to be positive here


Stop with the theatrics. It’s off the table right now, and there is at least one other way to do this.


The decision came down Friday. It’s Monday. Many Americans are unaware it even happened let alone realize the impact. These numbers won’t improve for the anti-abortion crowd over time. They will only ever get worse. Much like the 1/6 hearings. The needle has moved sharply since the hearings began just as the needle on abortion rights has moved sharply since the draft opinion was released. In a country of 330 million people, you can’t expect opinions to move almost overnight.


The corrupted court wants to turn us into Romania under Ceausescu.

Remember how that turned out.


Another example. We don’t care, we will do as we please
Dobbs Decision Leaves Roberts and the Media as Biggest Losers - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens
As monumental as the Dobbs decision is for unborn children and pro-life activists who have spent decades tirelessly working to overrule Roe and defend the right to life, Dobbs demonstrates that, for the first time in a generation, the Supreme Court is not controlled by justices who are chiefly concerned with their public image and reputation among left-wing journalists and mainstream media operatives. Ultimately, the Alito majority in Dobbs indicates that, despite his wishes, Chief Justice John Roberts’ efforts to alter the post- Roe majority and Taneyize the High Court have fallen flat—and that at long last, media control of American politics could very well be coming to an end.


Thomas already told us directly.

I’m definitely disappointed in the response so far. Especially as no one was surprised, we had the leak weeks ago.

And this is what we get as a response from leadership?


Bird bath kitty cat, really feels like a dog, she told me last week… :wink:
Plus her given name is Billy Goat.


But will America notice? 20 kids in Sandy Hook, 19 kids in Uvalde, 1 million deaths to Covid - nothing seems to get MSM attention. Women lose right to control bodies and die? Meh. Mask Mandates? My body, my choice…


You mean to say the Repubs aren’t taking responsibility for their actions??? Shocking, I tell ya!!!

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